R A T E S O F POSTAGE—eontinued.
No packet of newspapers, commercial papers or printed papers must exceed olbs. in
weight, and che wei<_
hc of a packec of paccerns is Limiced co 12 ozs. The size of a packec of
patterns is limited to li' iuches iu length, 8 inches in widch, and 4 inches in depth.
If only pa rely prepaid they will be chargeable on delivery with double the delicienoy of
|>o3tai**e : if unpaid they will be stopped.
Tlie undermfcutli-u-ed articles are excluded from transmission at che rate applicable to printed
papers :—
Postage =:am;..-*. -vhether obliterated or noe, and in general all princed articles constituting
the sign of a monetary value.
Printed Papers and Commercial Papers must be posted either without a coyer or in an
unfastened envelope, or in a cover wiiich can be easily removed for che purpose of examination
wichouc breaking any seal, or cearing any paper, or separating any adhering surfaces. A packec
posted wichouc a cover may not be fastened or ocherwise treated so as to prevent easy exaniinaciou.
It may, however, be secured wich scriug. If closed against inspeccion ic will be surcharged at
double deficiency ac che leccer race of. poscage.
In order co secure che recurn of packecs which cannoc be delivered cue names and addresses
of che senders should be princed or wriccen oucside.
Commercial Paten comprise all papers or docameucs wricceu or drawn wholly or partly by
hand (except leccers or comniuuicacions in che nacure of leccers, or other papers or documencs
having che characcer of au actual and personal correspondence), documencs of legal procedure.
Deeds drawn up by public funccionaries. copies of or excraccs from Deeds under privace seal
wricten on stamped or uuscamped paper, Way Bills, Bills of Lading, Iuvoices, aud ocher
documencs <A a mercantile character, documents of Insurance and other public Companies, all
kinds of Manuscript Music, the Manuscripc of Books and other literary works, letters and post–
cards of old date which have already served their original purpose, and pupils' exercises either in
original or wich corrections, but without any commenc on the work and ocher papers of a similar
Proofs of printing or of music may bear corrections with a pen and may have manuscripc
annexed to them ; circulars, etc., may bear the signature of the sender, his trade or profession;
place of residence and a date. A book or Christmas and New Tear's cards may have a dedication
or complimencary inscription in manuscripc and princed or lithographed scock or share lists, prices
current and market reporcs may have the prices added in writing. Compliments not Co exceed
five words may be written on visicing cards senc ac che Book race of Poscage. Mechaiucal repro-
duccious (noe less than 20) of a manuscripc or cype-wricceu original may pass as printed papers
if handed over che Pose Office Councer. Albums containing pllocographs may pass as princed
I N L A N D P O S T A G E .
Races of postage collected upon correspondence exchanged wichin che Island of Cyprus.
Leccers. for every k oz. ... ... .. ... ... ... ^
For a post-card ...
For a reply post-card
Post-cards of privace manufacture auchorized by the Island Postmaster
are permicted to pass at the ratesfixedfor official" pose-cards.
Pose-cards may have newspaper cuctings attached thereco.
For a siugle newspaper and ies supplemenc noe exceedine 2 ozs. in weio-he
o parcis
10 „
Printed matier aad books, for every 2 ozs.
For registration
/__ .
uowlelgerjenc of receipc of a registered areicle
Addresses of letters, ecc..^ muse be plainly wricten and consisc of che full names of the
addressees, their profession, trade, business, name of quarter, street and number of house when–
ever possible, together wich the place of destination written ac the boccomof the addresses.
Leccers. etc.. for villages muse bear che name of che Discricc and nearest Post-Town or
Rural Pose Office an-i m cases where there are two or more villages of the same name, such as
Vassa. Prasc-o. K,mt.:a. Anns Theodoros. Calo chorio. Peri-fferona, etc.. special care should be
exercised in giving proper poscal addresses.
I N L A N D .
The followmg^ races of poscage are colleceed on parcels senc becw-en places wichin the
For a parcel noe exceeding 3 lbs. in weiehc
For a parcel exceeding 3 lbs. but not exceeding 7 lbs. in w ^ b c
For a parcel exceeding 7 lbs. buc noe exceeding 11 lbs. in we~i?hc...
s. cp.
0 2
0 4
0 6
Order of Hi-jh Commis–
sioner in Council, No.
7.666 of SOth June, 1905,
published in Gazette No.
823 of 30th June, 1905.
Order of High Commis-
sioner in Coancil, No.
441 of 10th Januarr,
1908, published in
Gazette No. 906 of 24ch
Janoar****, 1903.
Order of Hisrh Commis–
sioner in Council. N o
429 of 22nd Mav, I907
published m Gazette \"o
8*?9 of Uth June, 1907.