COURT FEES—continued.
O n sealing a summons to any person to attend as witness or
otherwise ...
O n application to re-enter action for hearing where it has been
entered and struck out for default of appearance and is not
re-entered by leave of the C o u n :—
Where the amount claimed is £ 2 0 or under
Where the amount claimed is over £ 2 0 -. where no liquidated,
sum is claimed: or where the recovery of money is not the
object of rhe action
O n entering a judgment or any order for which no special fee is
O n filing not:;**: of appeal to the Supreme Court
O n entering an order for leave to appeal to Privy Council
On application to tax any bill of costs :—
For every £ 2 or part thereof claimed
O n filing notice of review of taxation
On sealing any writ of execution :—
T o recover any sum not exceeding £20 ...
T o recover any sum exceeding ±'20, but not exceeding £ 5 0 ...
T o recover any sum exceeding £ 5 0
For preparing aud furnishing any office copy (.**;:—
Where the •ropy does not exceed 200 words in English or Greek.
or 100 Turkish
For every further 100 words or part thereof in English or Greek
For every further 100 words or part thereof in Turkish
For the preparation of aay writ of summons
O nfilinean** agreement of reference under Order X X I L , Rule 7.
of Rules'-: Court. 18S6
O n filing th? award of an arbitrator
O n filing an a*£davit
O n certify:***.' any seal or signature to be the seal or signature of )
tlie pers:-*: vrho.-e seal or signature it purports to be
... |
On furnishi*-*.*".- an office copv of anv document recorded in Court s'
.«) (
O n certifying any copy of any record of the Conrt ^.vhere such")
copv is not prepared by au Officer of the Court • to be a true >
copy of the original document (a) ... ... ...)
On filing a e;py of a judgment endorsed hy a Village Judge
Service of documents:—
& s.
Rules of Court of 17th
Aoril. 1SS6. published
in" Gazette So. 198 of
Sth Mav. lSStJ.
1 0
0 3
0 4\
2 0
5 0
A fee of 3 shillings.
The same fee as for an
office cope of thefileof
the proceedings in an
A fee equal to one-half
of the fee chargeable for
an office cope of such
Rules of Court'of llth
_ February. 1S59. publish–
e d in Gazettt So. 279 of
22nd J-ebroan*. 1S89.
"Rules of Court of 17th
Aoril. l>5*i. published
in Gazette So. 198 of
jth Mae. l5S*o.
Rule of C-y-vn of 17th
•-eptember. 1***96, pub–
lished in Gazette So. 527
'. of 25th idem.
For service in Cy
the Court such fee
purpose, and ou pav
document "ill I.r se
for service bv an •:•?.
r.'i-.is of any document required to be Served through
'as shall be properly payable to the Folice for that
ment of such fee to the proper officer of Police, the
d iu the ••line manner as though it w
re forwarded
"icer of the. Court.
The tVes app.'ii.ted to he taken by the Police are as follows (b):—
For the Serv:..-:
miles of :'.•*•
For every ade::
But so that ::
the sum :*
of any document served within a distance of three
Court of the District
ionai three miles or portion thereof ...
tua.-'iuiuni fee charged shall uo; hi any case exceed
5 0
0 3
10 0
/ Rule.-; of Court of 17th
( Aoril. 1S56. published in
f Gazette So' 19S of 8th
\ Mae. 1SS6.
(•*») These are appointed
i.v a nociticatio-a or order
Hie""- Commissioner
'.,:' 24th M a e . 1SS6. pub-
liihed in Gazette So. 200
of lst June. 1856.
(-a) The
* f*»es 2.z-t -.i-.i :o the Registrar* and Clerks of '.'z. Co-r:s.