Importation prohibited from France.
Italy. Spain. Portugal. Algeria, Austria.
Greece. Russia. Roumania. Turkev in
gary. Mexico, Samos. Servia. Switzer–
land. Tunis, U. S. America.
(7). The importation of hides and skins is restricted to the port of Larnaca (except in
cases where special permission under the hand of the Chief Medical, Officer has been
obtained to import them at some other place) and such importation shall, in all cases.
be subject to the regulations in that behaif for the time being in force nnder Law 4 of
(8). The importation of rags and old clothing iuto any port or place of the Island of )
Cyprus, other than Larnaca, is prohibited, and such importation is liable to be /
Srohibited in any case iu which the Chief Medical Officer or any Officer acting for or >
elegated by him certifies that the importation of rags or old clothing is likely to be I
injurious to the public health.
The importation into the Island of >old or used clothes for the purposes of sale or
commerce is absolutely prohibited.
The importation of saccharine is prohibited except in small quantities not exceeding 21bs.
and then only with the permission of the Chief Medical Officer previously obtained in writing.
The importation of indecent or obscene prints, printings, photographs, books, cards, litho- (
graphic or other engraviugs, or any other indecent or obscene articles Is prohibited.
•! N
The importation of waste or refuse of cotton wool known as ••Flock" is absolutely I
* (
All fruits and vegetables in a raw stale, whether *|
fresh or dried.
All trees and plants aud every living jmrt of a tree
or plant.
All flowers, cut or otherwise.
All dried plants and flowers.
Staves which have beeu used for vine props or
similar purposes.
All binding which has been used for vines or •:•:'..er ^-Europe and Asia Minor,
• Bnl*zuria, Cape Colony. Germany. Him-
Earth and gravel, leaf aud sraruen mould.
All animal and vegetable manures, except •.'*.*.;•.:o.
bone dust and other fossil or chemically prepared
Hay and straw, compressed or otherwise (ex-.-rpt
that used as packing for goods.)
i-ira-vs. leaves or other vegetable matter.
OF PLANTS.—Importation prohibited from Egypt.
ANTIQ-CTTIKS.—Exportation prohibited without the permission of -Toveniment.
B A R K . TAP.. PITCH A N D RE-SIN.—Exportatiou pr-hibited.
T I M B E R . C H A R C O A L
FIREWOOD.—Being the p-i-din-e of Cyprus, exportation pr-hifuted.
MANURE.—Exportation prohibited.
GAME.—Exportation prohibited.
Definition of <Jame—I'eer. mouflou. hares, pheasants, fnuicolins. partridges, sand grouse.
bustards, wild duck, wild geese, wo-. N.lc-x-k. snipe, quails and land drails.
Xottr.—Includes game in any form. pi.*k!ed or otherwise. A reasonable quantity of
provisions for ships in port may, however, be allowed.
OR EG**.*"".—Of auy specie of bird. Exp:r:a*ion prohibited except with permission of the
High Commissioner.
A R M S , A M M U N I T I O N , M I L I T A R Y A N D N A V A L i.:_,.:z>:
The High Commissioner may prohibit exp.-'-arion. or the carriage of the coastwise, in
order to prevent their beiug used against His Majesty's subjects or forces, or against auy
forces engaged or which may be engaged iu co-operation with His Majesty's forces.
£ s cp.
For boats or vessels havini: diving apparatus on board
... 2o 0 0
For boats or vessels having divers on board but no diving apparatus ... 9 0 0
For boats or vessels having harpoons only
... 3 10 0
Xote.—Fvr the present permission to tish for Si-ouges is granted under an arrangement
made by wiiich the sponge fishery is carried on by the Inspector of Fisherie-.
Order iu Council N o .
241 of ISth February.
1;03. under Sec. S of
L a w No. 2*2. 1399. com–
bined frith L a w N o . 23.
Order in Council No.
374 oublished in Gazette
Xo. 774 of 30tb No-e-***:-
ber. 1903.
Order in Council No.
3no published iti G'izrrze
Xo.'756 of 27th March.
Order in Council N o .
3?0 published in Gaz'—e
N o . S14 of 27th Januarr.
Order in Council N o .
445 published in G-tzrte
No. 920. p. <*"*._>•*.
Order in Council N o .
ublished in Guzezte
X--. 547. pp. --323-24.
Gazette Xo. 44'.. \>. 2522.
Law N>... 4. l*.»u.*,.
Law Xo.24.1?7!'. sec.32.
La vX... 24. lS7'.».se-.*. Sl.
Law No. 24. 137'.'. sec. 33.
Law Xu. 2. l'.tOi). sec. 12.
CS. 242":.
C.'.'.C -;:* o7.
Law >>\.. 2. 19i*•*.. sec. IS.
T b e Cypru> Exporta–
tion "f A r m - L'r.icT in
C-.-uncil. I'.'O:
. G,:zr'-r
No. 7*.'.'. ••. .'O.V.v
L a w N'o. S jf 1--V".
sec. 11.