Reviews and, if known, the circulation of
Title of Publication.
Mirat-i-Zeman (jlOoV*). a weekly news–
paper in Turkish.
"Neon Ethnos" (Nrov "EOvoc), a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
"Patris" (narpic).
" Phoni tis Kyprou" (4>u>i->) rtjg Kv-pov), a
weekly newspaper in Greek.
"Pyx-Lax" (n^-A«ii).
"Salpinx" (ZaAnvy:*), a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
" Salamis " (2aXa/»ic).
" Sunuhat" (oL-i-), a weekly newspaper
in Turkish.
a fortnightly literary,
scientific and commercial Review in Greek.
such Newspapers and Reviews.
Stated by the Editor to be 350 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt.
Bosnia. Mersina. Turkey, Bevrout. Crete
and Hejaz.
Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt. Greece.
Cilicia, Khartoum. Mitylene. Transvaal
aud Aleppo.
Stated by the Editor to be 1.250 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Greece. Turkey.
Egypt and in certain towns of Europe and
Stated by the Editor to be about 1,100 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Egypt, England.
Greece, Turkey, France. America and
other places.
Stated by the Editor to be about 400 copies
in Cyprus, 20 in Greece and very few in
America and Transvaal.
Stated by the Editor to be about 620 copit*s.
Circulated in Cyprus. Greece. Upper and
Lower and Middle Egypt. South Africa.
Turkey, Austria. Belgium, France.
England, Switzerland, Germany. America.
Russia and Canada
Stated by the Editor to be 500 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Alexandria, Athens,
Cairo. Assuan, Constantinople aud
Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Turkey. Egypt.
Caucaus and Crete.
Stated by the Editor to be 650 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt.
Greece. Italv. Frauce. Engfland. South
Africa and America.