R E T U R N of Principal Publications during the year 1U07-8 including Newspapers, and
Title of Publication.
Agon" fAywv), a weekly newspaper in
" Aletheia'
{'AXxjdua), a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
" Anglo-Cvpriot," a fortnightly newspaper
in English.
" Cypriot" (Ku-ptoc), a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
"Education" ('EK-iralSsvaiq), a monthly peda–
gogical periodical in Greek.
" Eleftheria" (EX.vdtp'ia). a weekly news–
paper in Greek.
" Enosis " ("Ei'watc), a weekly newspaper in
"Islam" ( ^ U )
" Kypriakos Phylax" (Kv-piaKoq OCXaS), a
weekly newspaper in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 450 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt, England,
Smyrna, Constantinople, Athens. Jaffa,
Beyrout and South Africa.
Stated by the Editor to be about 600 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, France, England,
Egypt, Turkey," South Africa, Greece,
the Sudan, and Asia Minor.
Stated by the Editor to be about 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, England. Egypt,
Svria, South Africa, Canada, United States
of America, China and the West Indies.
Stated by the Editor to be 700 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.
Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Greece, Turkey
(Constantinople. Jerusalem) and Egypt
(Cairo, Alexandria).
Stated by the Editor to be S5Q copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt, the Sudan,
Greece, England,France, America,Turkey,
Crete and India.
Stated by the Editor to be 600 to 700 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Greece, Turkey,
Egypt, Europe and a few in America.
Stated by the Editor to be 1,000 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Turkey and foreign
Stated by the Editor to be 780 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt,
Greece, Italy, France, England. South
Africa, America and in Austria.