Order of High Com-
missioner in Council
published in Gazette No.
692 of 1st March. 1901.
Onier of High Com-
missioner in Council
pubii-bed in Gazette No.
692 of lst March. 1901.
and No. 343 of 12th
{ Januarr, 1906.anil Order
1 of High Commissioner in
I Council No. 428 pub. in
f Gazette No. 901 of 15th
• Norember, 1907.
(a) TOBACCO.—Importation prohibited, excepc under permit from High Commissioner, if in
packages weighing less than 20 okes each and by ships of less than 60 tons burden, sec.
26, L a w 24 of 1879.
DOGS.—Importation from Egygt prohibited. From other Countries subject to inspeccion and I Gazette No. 691, p. 4393.
detention by Chief Medical Officer.
The imporcation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods articles and merchandise
is prohibited absolutely:
(1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Beshliks, alciliks or metallujue piastres.
(3). All sovereigns and half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her lace Most
Gracious Majesty Queeu Victoria.
(4). All sovereiens and half sovereigns which are below the least currenc weighe as
defined in " T h e Coinage Act, 1S70?' or are otherwise not legally currenc in England.
(5). The substance known as Hashish.
(6). Sale other than cable and rock sale.
The importation of the under-mentioned goods, areicles and merchandise is subject to the
following rescriccions *.
(1). The imporcation inco che Island of fire-arms, detached portions offire-armsand
side-arms is prohibiced excepc—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta, and
(5.) without a special license under the hand of the Chief Secretary issued under
L a w 24 of 1879, sec. 30.
(2). The importation of gunpowder (except for the use of his Majesty's Naval and
Military forces) is prohibiced excepc—
(«.) at the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi (for Famagusta see (2) herebelow), aud at
the last named port the imporcation of gunpowder by any person in any greater
quantity than ten okes or twenty-eight pounds is prohibited, and
(6.) in kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes or in flasks of 1 lo. or of
i lb. except where the High Commissioner has by special permission authorised
che iinoorcation iu some ocher manner.
(3). The importacion of shot, percussion caps, cartridges (ocher than ball carcridges)
and side-arms is restricted to che pons of Larnaca and Limassoi.
(4). The imporcacion of ball carcridges or of bail cartridge-cases excepc for the use of
His Majesty's Xaval and Military forces is prohibited, except—
(«.) ac che pores of Larnaca and Limassnl. and
(i.) with the special permission of che High Commissioner.
(5). (1). The imporcation of dynamite, nicroglycerine, gun-cotton, fulminace of mercury
or of other metals or of auy kindred subscance is prohibited—
(a.) except at the port of Larnaca, and
(J.) with che special permission of che High Commissioner, such permission being
in writine under the hand of che Chief Secrecary to Government and subject to
such concticions as the High Commissioner, m a y thinkfitco impose.
(2). Gunpowder, Shot, Percussion Caps, Carcridges (ball and shot) Dynamice, Xicro-
glycerine, Guncocton, Blasting powder. Fulminace of Mercury or ocher metals, and
every ocher subscance or preparacion used or manufaccured for explosive or pyro–
technic purposes, Fog signals, Rockets, Fireworks, Fuzes, Decollators and Ammnnicion
of all descripcions, including empcy cartridge cases, may be imported at the Port
of Famagusca by such person or persons as m a y be authorised in that behalf by
special permission of the High Commissioner given under tlie hand of the Chief
Secrecary to Government, and subject to such limitations*, as Co quancicy as tbe High
Commissioner may seefitto impose; and upon such imporcacion che said articles
shall be landed at such place and in snch manner as the Commissioner and Principal
Onicer of Customs of che Discricc of Famagusca shall appoinc (b).
(a) Tobacco may, however, be imported by parcel post in small quantities on paym->nt of an additional duty of t\cp. per oke, or
fraction of an oke. Gazette 699 of 25th May. 1901. page 4493. If otherwise imported than :lir mgh the Parcel Post under special permis–
sion from the High Cvn-nissioner in packages of less than 20 okes. there i3 payable in addition to the Customs duty a farther import
duty of 1/. per oke, or fraction of an oke, Gazette 713 of 17th January, 1902, page 4694.
(b) Permission has been given to Messrs. H a m m e r £ Thomson, Malta, on behalf of Nobel's Explosive Company, Glasgow, to import
and store in two specially constructed Magazines. N o n a of Famagusta, any quantity of abore Explosives, n. e. 2 in weight 10 tons.
exclusive of detonators,safety fuze, sporting cartridges, and other accessories such as cables and batteries. (Order of High Commissioner of
28th Aorust, 1906, C S . 1373/1904.)
(a)Order of High Com–
missioner in Council No.
359 published in GazetU
No. 733 of 29th August.
(b) Order in Council No.
407 published in Gazette
No. s43 of 12th January.
Order in Council No.
413 published in Gazette
No. 353 of 29th June.