Reviews and. ii known, the circulation c; sue;*. Newspapers and Reviews.
Ti*. • o: Pui'Iicari'*
C'ircu.'r.:: >u
"Mirat-i-Zeman (jUjoV*)-
weekly new
paper in Turki-L.
! Stated by the Editor ro be 300 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Bulgaria, Egypt.
Bosnia and Herzegovena. Bagche Serai.
Rhodes. Chios. Adana and Mersina.
"Neon Ethnos" (N«ov "Etfvoc). a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
* Circulated in Cyprus. Mersina, Alexan–
dretta, Alexandria, Cairo, Athens, Her-
moupolis. Khartoum. Johannesburg,
Hodeida and Mitvlene.
'• Parthonon " (Iiapfovwi-). a fortnightly perio–
dical in Greek.
"Phoni tis Kyprou" (<lw*) -rye Kv-pov), a
weekly newspaper in Greek.
Salpinx'" (SaX-rr/r), a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
" Sunuhat" (oL^jiA a weekly newspaper
in Turkish.
Zenon" (Z»'-vwv). a fortnightly literary,
scientific and commercial Review in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 450 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Egypt, Greece,
Smyrna and Constantinople.
Stated by the Editor to be 1.050 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.
Stated by the Editor to be about 650 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Greece. Upper and
Lower Egvpt, South Africa, Turkey,
Austria, Belgium, France, England, Swit–
zerland. Germanv and America.
Stated by the Editor to be 300 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Turkey, Cairo, the
Crimea. Kara Sou and Kozan.
Stated by the Editor to be 650 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.
30 i.