Titi- .-•! FuMioatin:
A*on'!. a wc-i-klv new-par-or in
Srart-*<1 by the Editor t<~> be 412 copies.
L'ire ul at'.".: in Cyj>ru-. Alexandria. Cairo.
England. Smyrna. Consiaiitin«>ple. Athens.
.Jati'a and Rhodesia.
Aletl.-ri-ii *
('AXi'i'kia), a weekly newspaper j Stated by the Editor ro be about 050 copies.
in Greek.
j Circulated in Cyprus. France. England.
i | Egypt, Turkey. South Africa. Greece.
the Sudan. Abyssinia and the United
"Cypriot"' (Ku-p-oe;, a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
"Education" ('E/c-ojcewnc), a monthly peda–
gogical periodical iu Greek.
Eleftheria" ('EXtvOfpUr. a weekly news–
paper in Greek.
" Enosi* " CEi'wffi-?), a weekly newspaper in
" Ephemeris tou Laou" {'Eipnftfptg rod AooG).
a weekly newspaper in Greek.
Kypriakos Phylax" (Kv-pin-coc 4>vXa£), a
weeklv newspaper in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 700 copies
Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.
Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Greece. Egypt.
Jerusalem, Constantinople and England.
Stated by the Editor to be 750 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Egypt, Khartoum,
the Sudan, Greece, England, France,
America. Turkev and Svria.
Stated by the Editor to be 500 to 600 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Greece, Turkey,
Egypt and elsewhere.
Stated by the Editor to be SOO copies.
Circulated in Cyprus. Athens, Port-Said,
Alexandria, Cairo, Upper Egypt and the
Stated by the Editor to be 700 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.