[ 2-i ]
Larnaca, Limassoi and Paphos.
Vessels lying alongside the Piers are charged the following rates for berthage :—
Vessels under 75 tons burthen - - - - - 2s.
Vessels of 75 tons burthen and upwards - - - -
£c.p. per ton.
(The ton3 chargeable to be Register Tons according to rules of measurement for the time
being in force in England.)
(1). Lighters discharging cargo from vessels in the Harbour or taking cargo for shipment
on board such vessels, exempt.
(2). Vessels which neither land Foreign cargo nor take cargo on board for a Foreign Port,
to pay half the rate above described.
(3). A n y vessel occupying a berth ou more than 6 working days during her stay in the
harbour, to pay a further rate for each additional period of 6 working days equal to half the rate
above prescribed.
Vessels and Lighters using the Crane pay the following rates:—
For each singie lift not exceeding 1 ton -
exceeding 1 ton
double lift
A n y lift requiring special adjustment of the gear to be regarded as a " double lift."
W h e n an application is made for permission for a steamer to work on Sundays and on
Official holidays in any harboui or port in Cyprus, tbe person so applying must deposit, in
addition to the usual overtime fees, a sum equal to two copper piastres per ton register of the
steamer for which such permission is desired, but so that in no case shall a less sum than
£2 or a higher amount than £5 be charged in respect of any one steamer.
A U T H O R I T Y .
Orders of High Com–
missioner published in
Gazettes No. 37 of 17th
June. 1S32. No. 101 of
lst March, 1S33, No. 312
of 9th October, 18S6and
No. 615 of the 20th
January, 1S99.
Orders of High Com–
missioner published in
Gazette* No. S7 of 17th
.June, IS32. No. 101 of
lst March. IS33, No. 212
of 9th October. 18S6 and
No. 615 of the 20th
January, 1S99.
Order of High Com–
missioner pablished in
Gazette No. 746 of 21st
November, 1902.
10 per cent, ad valorem allowing deduction of
20 per cent, from duty to cover waste.
18 copper piastres per proof gallon according
to Sykes' Hydrometer, a proportionate
increase or reduction being m a d e in cases
where the spirit is of greater or less strength.
j Ottoman Regulation of
\ 9th August. 1861.
I Proclamation of High
J Commissioner, Gazette
) No. SOS of 9th Septem-
Lber, 1904.
Note.—Wine containing more than 33-# of proof Spirit deemed to be Spirit.
{44 c.p. per oke, payable on transfer of leaf from
"grower to wholesale dealer.
Tobacco manufactured in Cyprus, whether manufactured into Cigarettes )
. ^i
or otherwise, in addition to the Import duty or Transport duty - J " " '- '-' *
Cigars (each i oke to consist of not less 1
than 100 Cigars) - - ) *
Discount of 10 per cent, allowed off duty to manufacturer delivering Cigars for consumption.
Note.—The daty is not levied on Tobacco manufactured for exportation and actually exported,
if exported within 3 months of date of manufacture. Manufactured Tobacco includes Cigare,
Cigarettes and Snuff and mean3 all Tobacco subjected to such a process iu a manufactory as
wQl render it capable of consumption.
£55 Der annum
Tobacco Factory License -
To sell Tobacco by retail*—
Tumbeki (a)
Other Tobacco -
Hawkera (a)
Bouded Stores for Spirits -
- 80 per cent, of rental on value of premises.
£ 1 per annum, to be paid half-yearly in advance.
- £1. 7. 0. (=l£ Turkish Liras.)
£1 per annum
S T I L L S . — A duty of £ 2 per still every year, under Sec. 14 of •*-* T h e Aniseed Law, 1891."
Section 2, Law XVIIL,
f Ottoman Regulation of
j 25th April, 1S75.
( Law No. XXII. of
j 1S99.
1 Ottoman Regulation of
> 23th April, 1S75.
Law No. VI. of IS33.
{ O r d e r of High Com-
missioner published in
Gnzette No. 593 of 29th
April, 1393.
f Ottoman Regulation of
| 19th Jcne, 1374.
Law No.XI. of 1S97.
{Ottoman Res*uiation of
25th April. 1375.
i Section 17 (a) Law
j XVIIL, 1901.
Proclamation hy the
High Commissioner, of
29th Dec., 1S91, pub–
lished in Gazette No.
360, of Sth Jan., 1392.
(a) These licenses are payable annually not later than 12th March. If the first liceuse is taken prior'to 13th Sep ember charge is
made for the whole year; if taken on or after that date the license is issued at half the annual rate, for the period up to 12th of
foilo****u:g February.