[ 23 ]
COURT FEES—continued.
For Ilam? for tho appointment of Muderris. Sheik, Imam, Khatib, Mouezzin, Devri-Khaa
and such like offices, from 25 to 20<J piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
F*»r Ilams of appointment as Mutavclli, Zaviedar, Mezraadar, Malikhane and such like
appointments, a fee not exceeding 25 per cent, of the yearly personal profit by the appointment.
For documents containing information respecting appointments, -fcc, an office fee (KaUmie)
not exceeding 50 piastres.
For an extract or a copy of an Ilam, Hodjet, Vakfieh, or other document, half the original fee-
For making au inventory of the estate of a deceased Moslem w h o has died leaving heirs
under disability 2^ per cent, upon the nett value of the immoveable property which forms the
share of each heir under disability.
For an order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority, i c ,
10 to 30 piastres according to the case.
For au order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
amount: on renewiug the order, ^ per cent.
O n examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, every three years or at
longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 25 pet 1,0*0*0 on the surplus after deduction of all
expenses. If the examination is made after one year, one-third of the fee and two-thirds if the
examination is made after two years. If there is no sutplu; then a fee is taken as follows :—
If the capital does not exceed—
10,000 piastres - - - - 10 piastres
30,000 piastres - - - - 20 piastres
and 10 piastres for each 20,000 up to 150,000 piastres.
Above 150,000 piastres - - - - 150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people iu dotage 1 per cent.
on the vaiue of the same.
Marriage license for spinsters, 10 piastres, for widows - - - - 5 piastres. /'
A U T H O R I T T .
L a w of 16 Sefer, 1276,
Destour, VoL I., p. 301,
Leg. Ott.,VoL II.. p. 330.
L a w XIII. of 1393.
L a w of lo Sefer, 1276.
Destour, VoL L, p. 301,
Legr. Otc, VoL IL, p. 333,
et /«••/.
O n the issue of a summons to a party in an actiou or to a witness
( L a w of IS Mouharrem,
12S6, Destout Vol. I.,
page 361.
I. U p o n effecting (1), an Original registration or (2), a registration of title by Prescription *.—
(a). Of a grant of Mevat - - - 6 cp. Paper and Clerks fee only (see •)
(b). Of Arazi-Mirie fLess than 10 years occupation-
The value of the land.
< /-* .. 1 ,
i - f 5 per cent, of the value of the
Arazi-Mevcoufe (.
atl0U of 1 0
w a
T O a
( land.
!_. , , , .
,. . . (6c.n. Paper and Clerk's fee '•
Ot a valne less than o,000 piastres -j -^ .-£ »>
Of a value from 5,000 to 10.000 ., 5 piastres.
For each further 10.000 piascres ) , . . .
or part there of up to 100,000 piastres j" ° P**-*
Of a value exceediug 100,000 ., 100 piascres.
(d). On conversion) _^ ,„,.,,
. (
of Idjare-Vahide [
- - - 6 c.p. Paper and Clerk s fee (see *) j
into Idjareteiu j
II. Upon registering a transfer by (1), Sale (2), Gift or (3), Exchange:—
(a). Of Arazi-Mirie, by sale - - - - - 5 per cent, of the sale price. .
(6). Of Arazi-Mevcoufe, by sale - - - - 5 per cenfc. of the sale price, j
(c). Of Sirf-Mnlk, by sale - - - - - 1 per cenfc. of the sale price, j
(d). Of Mussakafat and Musteghellat in Idjaretein, by sale - 3 per cenfc. of the sale price, j
, , (6 c.p. Paper and Clerk's fee
(e). Of Mahlol (aU categories) by sale - - - *j
Tapou Re*—ilations of T
Shacaa. 1276 0339),
Destour I., x.. 209.
L a w of 2S Bedjeb. 1291,
(1$74*) Des-rour IIL, p.
La**** of 2-* Ramazan,
1231 (1S64\ Destour I.,
p. 2*5.
Tarou L a w of 3 Djemazi-
ul-Akhir. 1275 (1S5S),
Destour I, p. 200.
Regulations of 25 Rama-
zan. 12S1 G"-"
*). Destour
I., p. 245.
Law of 23 Bedjeb, 1291
(ISr-^. Destoar III,
Law of i Eedjeb, 1292
(1S75), Destonr III,
p. 459.
5 per cent, of half the gross -registered value of the exchanged lands
in equal moieties by the parties exchanging.
(/). Onexchaugeof
Arazi-Mirie or
Arazi- Mevcoufe
(a). O n alienation ( Fees as above, calculated on the registered value of the property c
I alienated.
(h\ TVhere the sale )
price is under- \ Double the fees, as above sefc one, on the amounc understated.
Tai»a L a w of 3 Djemazi-
at-Aihir, 1275 (185$),
Destour I, p. 200.
Law of 7 Shaban, 1276
(1S59), Destour I., p. 209.
Law of *i Djemazi-
ul-Axhir, 1292 037-1).
Destour LTI, p. 458.