[ 22 ]
No. 6S4, p. 4,361.
COURT FEES—continued.
1. On application for grant of probate or administration ...
2. O ufilingaffidavit ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• •••
3. O n any order, except au order granting probate or administration
4. O n filiug inventory under Sec. 4S
5. O nfilingdeclaration under Sec. 48
6. O n grant of probate or administration, 1 0 - per £100 on the value of the property of the
deceased, not exceeding a total fee of £25.
7. W h e r e the value of the property does not exceed £25 a siugle fee of 5 - aud where the
value of the property exceeds £25 but does not exceed £ 5 0 a single fee of 10/- shall be charged \j
1901: Gazette
in lieu of all the above fees numbered L to 6, and shall be paid on the application for the grant.
8. O n filing declaration of acceptance or reuttuuiation ... ... ... ••• o~x.
9. O n summous to witness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• Is.
10. O u grant of probate or administration where there has been a previous graut
on which the fee has been paid ... ... ... ... ... ... --- os.
11. O u security bond, the ordinary stamp duty.
12. O n tiling account uuder Sec. 55, £1 per £l00ou the value ofthe property, uot exceeding
a total fee of £50.
13. O u proceedings iu au action under Sec. 37 or 83, the same fees as in au ordinary actiou. ,
(The piastre referred lo in this return is the silver piastre at the rate of 6 to a shilling.) \
O n issue of Ilam • -
- 2£ per ceut. on amouut for which Ilam is giveu.
For au order in "Bi Vedjhi-Sheri" cases (i.e., cases which the claim is rejected as bad at
law), 2\ per cent, of amouut claimed if uot exceeding 20,000 piastres; and iu claims exceetling
that sum, 2\ per cent, for thefirst20,000 piastres and 1 per cent, ou the remainder.
For an order iu •
Bil«-Beyin-i-Sherieh" cases (i.e., cases in which the claim is rejected [
on failure to produce evidence), 1 per cent, on amount claimed up to 20,000 piastres, and in j
cases where the amount claimed exceeds 20,000, 1 per cent, on the firit 20.000 piastres aud
-| per ceut. on the remainder.
Iu cases settled out of Court, for a Sened giveu ou application of plaintiff, 2-V per ceut.
upon the amoun: for which the case is so settled, but ou application of defendant for a Sened,
24 per cent, oa the difference between the amouut claimed and that settled upon up to 20,000
piastres, and I per cent, on the sum in excess of 20,000 piastres.
O n settlement of marriage contract, 2i per ceut. oa the amount of the Mouadjel aud
H a m s for divorce, 24 per cent, ou the sums mentioned in the marriage contract.
Hodjets appointing representatives of lunatics, lost persons aad old people in dotage,
5 to 30 piastres at discretion of Cadi.
- Hodjets respecting the release, gift or acknowledgment of property," 2 * per cent, on the
value of the propercy in questiou.
H u m s and orders regarding inheritance, 1-J- per ceut. on value of the inheritance.
Order appointing Vekii in the matter of real property, 15 per 1,000 upon the value of the
" . . • •
For wills drawn up before the Sheri Court, 20 per 1,000 on amouut mentioned in will.
For Hod;,:.s proving the will, after deduction of one-third of the succession received bv
execute, 24 per ceut. on the remainder, but if tbe third has been disposed of. 40 piastres onlv
is taken.
O n sales, 20
-er 1000 ou value • ou declarations of moi-t^ee. & c , 10 per lOOu on value
Hodjets ;,,r dmsiou of real property, Vaeouf. Mulk
o r
Araz 15 per 1,000 ou value of same!
Hodjets r « sale or disposal of property of insane people and minors, 15 per 1,000 on value.
O u Va.ueh prepared in the Sheri Court, 24 p.r cut. on ths value of the object made Vakouf
up to 20,000 piastres ; beyond this sum -J per cent.
For Ilams changing Vakouf* from Idjare-Vahide to Idjaretein, 2i per cent, on the
La*x of 15 Sefer, 1276,
Destour. Vol. I., p. 301,
Lev. Otr_ VoL II, p.