C O U R T F E E S (continued).
Service of documents :—
For service in Cvprus of any document required to be served
through the Court "mob f.-e as shall be pioperly payable to the
polios" for that purpose, and on payment of such tee to the proper
officer of police, the document will be served in the same manner
as though it were forwarded for service by au officer of the Court.
The fees appointed to be taken by the Police are as follows (a):—
For the service of any document served within a distance ot
three miles of the Court of the District
For every additional three miles or portion thereof -
But so that the maximum fee charged shall not in any case
exceed the sum of -
For the service out of Cyprus of any document required to be
served through the Court such sum as shall be actually expended
in effecting such service and procuring evidence thereof. A n y
Judge or the Registrar of the Court may,on application being made
for such service to be effected, require the applicant to deposit in
Court such sum as m a y be estimated to be necessary for defraying
the expenses of such service and the procuring of evidence thereof.
In any proceeding not provided for in the above scale, in respect
whereof a fee has been heretofore chargeable, the same fee shall
continue to bo taken as heretofore. A n y such fee wh.-re expressed
in the currency of the Ottoman Empire to be reckoned at the rate
of H Cyprus piastres for a piastre and 30 Cyprus piastres for a
medjid, and where expressed in British currency to be reckoned
at the rate of 1-J, Cyprus piastres for every two pence.
s. c.p.
Rules of Court of
17th April, 1836, pub-
• lished in Gazette No.
19$ of Sth Mar 1S86.
5 0 J (a) These are ap–
pointed by a notifica-
v tion or order of High
Commissionerof 24th
May, 1886, published
10 0
) in Gazette 1,0.200 ot
1st June, 1386.
Rules of Court of
. 17th Aoril. 1886. pub-
lished in Gazette No.
193 of Sth May, 1836.
On sealing a writ of summocs in anv action:
W h e r e the amount claimed is £ 2 0 or under ...
W h e r e the amount claimed exceeds £ 2 0 :
Where no liquidated sum is claimed or where the ]
recovery of money is not the object of the action... )
On sealing a summons to any persou to attend as a wit–
ness or otherwise
O n entering a judgment or order for which no special fee
is provided
On notice of appeal from a final judgment to the Privy )
Council .
... ... .
... |
On order giving leave to appeal to the Privy Council from
any order not being a final judgment ...
On review by the Court of auy order of a Judo-e :
W h e r e the amount claimed does not exceed £ 2 0
Where the amouut claimed exceeds £ 2 0 or where reco- }
very of money is nor the object of the accion ... \
Ou application to tax auy bill of costs :
For every £ 2 or part thereof claimed
On review of any bill of costs
On sealing any writ of execution:
T o recover any sum not exceeding £ 2 0
T o recover anv sum exceeding £ 2 0 but not exceeding )
° r
To recover any sum exceeding £50
5 0
10 0
1 0
5 0
3 0 0
3 0 0
5 0
10 0
1 0
5 0
2 0
5 0
10 0
The Cyprus] Admi-
ralty Jurisdiction
Order, 1S93.