S H E R I C O U R T F E E S (continued)
Order appointing Vekil iu the matter of real property, 15 per thousand upon the value \
of the property.
For wills drawn up lecon: the Sln-ri Court, 20 per 1,000 on amount mentioned in will.
For H o d jets proving th'* will, after deduction of one-third of the succession
A U T K O R I T T .
received hy executor, '2\ per cent, ou the remainder, but if the third has been disposed of,
40 piastres only i> taken.
0:i sales, '20 par 10'JO on value ; on declarations of mortgage, &•:.. 10 per 1000 ou
Ho-Hots for division of r*ul property. Vacouf, Mullc or Araz 13 per 1,000 on value
of same.
Hodjets for sale or disposal of property of insane people and minor.-*, 15 per 1,000 on
L a w of 16 Sefer,
127i>. Destour, Vol. I..
p. 301.Leg. Ott.,Vol.
II.. p. 330.
O n Vakfieh prepared in tb* Sheri Court, 2-V per cent, on the value of the object m a d e
"a'-.-.uc up to 20,000 piastres ; beyond tliis s u m -I per cant.
F-v Ilams changing Vakours from Iljare-i-Vahide to Idjurat-in, '2h per cent, ou the
For Ilams for the appointment of MuderrU, Sheik, I m a m , Khatib, Mouezzin, Dcvri-
K h a i and such like offices, from 25 to 200 piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
F*r Ilams of appointment as Mutavelli, Zaviedar, Mezraadar, Malikhane and such like
appointments, a fee not exceeding 25 par cant, of the yearly personal prolit by the appoint–
F o r documents containing information raspecting appointments, i c , an office fee
(Kalrmie) not exceeding 50 piastre's.
F o r an extract or a copy of an Ilaui, Hodjet, Vakfieh, or other documeut, half the
original fee.
For making an inventory of the estate of a deceased M o s l e m w h o has died leaving j
heirs under disability 2 \ per cent, upon the nett value of the immoveable property which !*
XIII. of 189?
forms the share of each heir under disability.
F o r an order appointing guardian "of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority,
&c, 10 to 3 0 piastres according to the case.
For au order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf. 1 per cent, on the
a m o u n t : on renewing the onier, ^ per cent.
O n examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, every three years or
at longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 2 5 per thousand on tbe surplus after deduc–
tion of all expanses. If th-a examination is m a d e after one year, one-third of the fee and
two-thirds if the examination is m a d e after two years. If "there is no surplus then a fee
is taken as follows :—
If the capital does not e x c e e d —
10,000 piastres - - - 10 piastres
80,000 piastres . . .
- 20 piastres.
and 10 piasires for each 20.000 np io 150,000 piastres.
Above 150,000 piastres . . .
150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people in dotage 1 per
cent, ou the value of the same.
Marriage license for spinsters, 10 piastres, for widows -
- 5 piastres. J
{ L a w of 12 Mouliar-
- 5 piastres. .' rem, 12S6, Destoui
/ Vol. I., page 354:
I. U p o n effecting (1), an Original registration or (2), a registration of title by
Prescription :—
; a). O f a grant of M e v a t - - - -6 c.p. Paper and Clerk's fee only (see *) \
'• '
/ Tapou Regulations
(b). Of Arazi-Mirie f Less than 10 years ocrapation.
T h e value of the land. \
or ' < r. _.• £ m
i ( 5 percent, of the valne I ,\ .->,>, " "
f 10 yearn & upwards { l
Qf fche
\ 1-* -<>..-
L a w of H5 Sefer,
1276. Destour, Vol.
I., p. 301. Leg. Ott.,
VoL IL, p. 333, ct *ej.
O n the issue of a s u m m o n s to a party in'an actiou or to a witness
. . .
(6c.p. Paper and Clerk's
I O f a value less thau o,000. piastres j fe
o u t v
) Of a valne from 5,000 to 10,000 .. 5 piastres.
(c). Of Sirf Mulk. < p
o r eac
*- farther 10.000 piastres \ . . .
/ or part thereof up to 100,000 piastres )
i a s
r t
{ O f a value exceetling 100,000 . „ 100 piastres."-'
(d). O n convei-sion ]
of Idjare-Vahide > * - . * . - -
iuto Idjaretein )
JI. U p o n registering a transfer by (1), Sale or (2), E x c h a u g e : —
(a). Of Arazi-Mirie, by sale -
L a w of 23 Re-ljeb,
12'J1. (1S74) Destour
IIL. p. -til).
-l Law* of 2.*> Ramazan.
6 c.p. Paper aud Clerks fee (sss ") J *2Sl (1864), Destour
I., p. 245.
Tapou L a w of 8
1275 (1S5S), Destour
I., p. 200.
(4). O f Arazi-Mevcoufe, by sale
r Regulations of 25
5 per cent, of the sale price. ] ^
\ (1S84), Destour I.,
[p. 245.