No. 696.
Notice under
Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47 of
the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that any
person having a claim against or any interest in the
estate of Anaxagoras Papas deceased, late of Nicosia,
is hereby required to send to me particulars in
writing of his claim or interest before expiration
of two months from the publication of this notice
after which date the estate of the said deceased will
be distributed among the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims and interests of
which I have had notice.
Nicosia the 29th day of June, 1960.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Anaxagoras Papas, deceased, of Nicosia.
c/o A. C. Hadjioannou, Advocate,
12, Eleftherias Street, Nicosia.
No. 697.
Notice under Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47 of
the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that any
person having a claim against or any interest in the
Estate of Georgios Argyrou Economou, deceased,
late of Livadhia (Larnaca), is hereby required to
send to us particulars in writing of the claim or
interest before the expiration of two months from
the publication of this notice after which date the
Estate of the said deceased will be distributed among
the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims and interest of which we have had notice.
Larnaca the 4th July, 1960.
Administrators of the Estate of
Georgios Argyrou Economou,
late of Livadhia.
No. 698.
Notice under Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47 of
the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that any
person having a claim against or any interest in the
Estate of Yousouf Azmi Ahmed Sheriff, deceased,
late of Scala, is hereby required to send to me parti–
culars in writing of the claim or interest before the
expiration of two months from the publication of
this notice after which date the Estate of the said
deceased will be distributed among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and
interests of which I have had notice.
Larnaca the 4th July, 1960.
Administrator of the Estate of
Yousouf Azmi Ahmed Sheriff,
late of Scala, Larnaca.
No. 699.
The Geology and Mineral Resources of the
Peristerona-Lagoudhera Area.
Copies of the Geology and Mineral Resources of
the Peristerona-Lagoudhera Area, Memoir No. 2,
of the Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, may
be obtained at £1 each, either by writing to the
Government Printer, Nicosia, or by applying to any
of the following Agents : —
Rustem's Bookshop, 11-14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
rE, 7T11 JULY, i960.
The Geology and Mineral Resources of the
Akaki-Lythrodondha Area.
Copies of the Geology and Mineral Resources of
the Akaki-Lythrodondha Area, Memoir No. 3, of the
Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, may be
obtained at £1 each, either by writing to the
Government Printer, Nicosia, or by applying to any
ot the following Agents : —
Rustem's Bookshop, 11—14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
No. 701.
Tenders for 5,000 cu. yards hard stone bottoming
3"—7" to Public Works Department, should reach
the office of the Accountant-General not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 16th July, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers on
application to the Director of Public Works.
Tenders for 4,000 cu. yards Havarotsiakkilo to
Public Works Department, should reach the office
of the Accountant-General not later than 10 a.m.
on Saturday the 16th July, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers on
application to the Director of Public Works.
Tenders for the transport of Havara, including
loading and unloading to the under-mentioned
village roads in Famagusta District, for the Com–
missioner's Office, Famagusta, should reach the
Treasury Headquarters, Nicosia, not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 23rd July, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to tenderers on
application to the Commissioner's Office, Fama–
gusta. Tenders may be submitted for both roads
or each road separately : —
(a) Gypsos-Mliea-Peristeronopiyi road : —
400 cu. yds. of havara from Ayios Elias
locality to various points on the road.
(6) Kridhia-Avgalidha road : —
500 cu. yds. of havara from Asprokolymbos
locality near Galatia village to various
points on the road. (M.P. 122/41/V.)
No. 704.
Anyone wishing to purchase all prime fattened
live pigs, mostly whites and crosses, weighing about
80 okes each, of the Pig Fattening Units at Akhelia
and Kouklia (Paphos) during the period from the
23rd July up to and including the 17th December,
1960, may submit a tender to the President of the
Tender Board, Treasury, Nicosia, by 10 a.m. on
Saturday the 16th July, 1960.
2. The offer must be per oke liveweight.
3. The deliveries must take place weekly on the
spot at the rate of 20 pigs on each delivery, the
first one commencing on the 23rd July, and pay–
ment be effected immediately.
4. The animals may be inspected during working
5. The approved tenderer must sign a contract
and furnish a solvent guarantee.
6. Further particulars required may be obtained
from the Director of Agriculture, Nicosia (telephone
No. 4000/2255).
7. The Government is not bound to accept the
highest or any tender.