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No. 659. Medical Officer, Class II, Medical
Applications are invited from Turkish candidates
for a vacancy in the post of Medical Officer, Class II,
in the Medical Department. The salary of the
post is £900 per annum rising by annual increments
of £30 to £1,020 and then by £36 to £1,200. In
addition a cost-of-living allowance at the rate
approved from time to time is paid by Government,
the present rate being 2 8 £ % of salary. The
appointment will be on a temporary basis in the
first instance.
2. The point at which successful applicants may
be permitted to enter the salary scale of the post
will be decided having regard to the applicants'
qualifications and experience.
3. Private practice for remuneration is not per–
mitted. Consulting practice is allowed except when
the patient is an inmate of a Government Hospital
or institution. 9 0 % of the fees paid for consulting
practice is reimbursed to the officer.
4. The primary duties of the post are : General
or special medical work in a Government Hospital,
a rural health unit or a rural area. In hospitals
the medical duties will be assigned by the Medical
Superintendent or Medical Officer-in-charge. The
duties of a rural medical officer are concerned with
the curative and preventive work in the area assigned
to him. He should make regular visits to the
villages in the area, to obtain information as to any
conditions injurious to health ; give medical treat–
ment to persons entitled to it; report on and take
the necessary steps in all cases of notifiable
diseases ; inspect for health purposes slaughter–
houses, food-handling establishments, water supplies,
etc., and advise on the sanitary conditions of each
village ; visit schools in the area and carry out a
general examination and the treatment of children ;
give professional advice free of charge in medico–
legal inquiries and carry out autopsies when asked
to do so by the authorities concerned ; in general
to perform any medical duties which may be assigned
to him by the Acting Chief Medical Officer or the
senior medical officer in charge of his district.
5. The persons appointed to the post will be
liable to be posted anywhere in Cyprus including
towns or rural areas, or may be attached to one of
the town hospitals where their duties will be such
general medical duties as may be assigned to them
by the officer in charge of the particular hospital.
6. Candidates, who must not be over 40 years of
age, should be Cypriots and have good knowledge of
the English language and be duly registered medical
practitioners under the Medical Registration Law.
7. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 to the Acting Chief Medical Officer not
later than Wednesday the 20th July, 1960.
(M.D. 155/48/3.)
No. 660. Assistant Radiographer, Medical
Applications are invited from Turkish Female
candidates for a number of vacancies in the perma–
nent but non-pensionable post of Assistant Radio–
grapher in the Medical Department. The appoint–
ment will, however, be made on a temporary basis
in the first instance. The salary of the post is £234
per annum rising by annual increments of £15 to
£264 and then by £18 to £336 per annum, plus
cost-of-living allowance at the rate approved by
Government from time to time, the present rate
being 28
,% of salary.
2. Candidates, who must be Cypriots, should
possess a good knowledge of English and must be
graduates of a Secondary School.
3. Applicants should submit their applications on
Form Gen. 6 (obtainable from the Government
Employment Exchanges) to reach the Acting Chief
Medical Officer not later than Wednesday the 20th
July, 1960.
(M.D. 272/44/2.)
No. 661. Student Nurse (Female), Medical
Applications are invited from Turkish Female
candidates for a large number of vacancies in the
temporary post of Student Nurse (Female) in the
Medical Department. The salary of the post is
£144 per annum rising by annual increments of £12
to £204 per annum. Cost-of-living allowance is
also payable at the rate approved by Government
from time to time, the present rate being 28£% of
salary. The successful candidates will be required
to undertake a two or three-year course of training
at the Nurses' Training School, Nicosia.
2. The qualifications required are as follows,
depending on the course which the successful candi–
date will be required to take : —
(a) for Cyprus Registered Nurses (3 years'
course) : A minimum of four years Se–
condary School education. Very good
knowledge of English. Candidates should
be not less than 18 years old. They will
be required to sit for an entrance exami–
nation in English ;
(6) for Assistant Nurses (2 years' course):
A minimum of two years Secondary School
education. Candidates should be not less
than 17 years old. Lectures will be in
3. Applications should be made on Form Gen.6
(obtainable. at Government Employment Exchanges)
and should reach the Acting Chief Medical Officer
accompanied by Birth and School Certificates not
later than Wednesday the 20th July, 1960.
4. Candidates who have already submitted appli–
cations on Form Gen. 6 within the last three months
need not fill another application form. It will be
sufficient if they notify the Acting Chief Medical
Officer by letter that they still wish to be considered
for the post.
(M.D. 4/60.)
Assistant Welfare Officer, Female, Social
Welfare (Turkish Section).
V A C A N C Y .
Applications are invited from Turkish Cypriots
for the temporary post of Assistant Welfare Officer,
Female, in the Department of Social Welfare
(Turkish Section). The salary of the post is £426
per annum rising by annual increments of £24 to
£594, plus cost-of-living allowance at the approved
rate which is at present 28£ per cent.
2. Duties and responsibilities : Social case-work
with delinquents, deprived, destitute and related
cases. It includes the submission of reports and
correspondence in English and entails visiting and
interviewing. The work will not be confined to
office hours.
3. Qualifications : Knowledge of English to dis–
tinction level ; general education to standard ol
Cyprus Certificate of Education ; knowledge ot
Greek is an advantage ; strong physique ' intelli–
gence ; personality; maturity and temperamental
stability ; ability to win confidence and to deal with
others patiently and sympathetically.
4. Candidates, who should be British subjects,
should be not less than 22 years old and not more
than 45 years old. The successful candidates will
be prepared to work anywhere in the island and to
travel in village areas.
5. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6. They should be addressed to the Turkish