N o . 23. Cyprus Criminal Code.
Copies of the Cyprus Criminal Code m a y be
obtained at 400 mils each, either by writing to
the Government Printer, Nicosia, or by applying
to any of the following Agents: —
Rustem's Bookshop, 11-14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
N o . 24. Cyprus Criminal Procedure Law.
Copies of the Cyprus Criminal Procedure L a w
m a y be obtained at 250 mils each, either by
writing to the Government Printer, Nicosia, or by
applying to any of the following Agents: —
Rustem's Bookshop, 11-14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
N o . 25.
Anyone interested in the purchase of the surplus
sheep milk production of the Athalassa Farm
from the 18th January up to and including the
31st July, i960, m a y submit a tender to the Pre–
sident of the Tender Board, Treasury, Nicosia,
early enough so as to reach its destination not
later than 10 a.m. on Saturday the 16th January,
2. The estimated daily quantity varies from 30
to 120 okes according to the season.
3. The collection shall take place on the spot
one hour after sun-rise and one hour before sun–
set twice daily.
4. The Government is not bound to accept the
highest or any tender.
5. Any further particulars m a y be obtained
from the Manager of the Farm Mr. Nicos
Neophytou at Athalassa (telephone No. 4000/
N o . 26.
Tenders for the purchase and removal of Pyroi
C a m p , to Public Works Department, should reach
the office of the Accountant-General not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 23rd January, i960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to tenderers on
application to the Director of Public Works.
No. 27.
Tenders for the transport of pipes from Fama–
gusta to Kyra-Engomi should reach the Treasury
not later than 10 a.m. on 16th January, i960.
Further particulars can be obtained from Water
Development Department.
No. 28.
The Department of Agriculture will require by
the 31st March 60,000 2jlb. new gunny bags
marked with the words " Ministry of Agriculture,
Cyprus, Certified Seed " in Greek and Turkish.
Anyone wishing to undertake this supply m a y
submit by 10 a.m. on Saturday the 23rd January,
a tender to the President of the Tender Board,
Treasury, Nicosia, and a sample of the proposed
bag to the Agricultural Officer Mr. J. Parisinos,
Nicosia (telephone No. 4000/2257) from w h o m
any further particulars may also be obtained.
2. The Government is not bound to accept the
lowest or any tender.
No. 29. Quarantine Restrictions.
The attention of the public is invited to the
Notification made on the 12th December, 1958,
by His Excellency the Governor pursuant to the
Quarantine Law, Cap. 145, and published in
Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 18th
December, 1958, whereby it was declared that
the following local areas were infected local areas
and that all passengers and goods therefrom
would be subject to the measures prescribed by
the Quarantine (Maritime and Aerial) Regulations
1953 to 1958, with respect to the dangerous
infectious diseases set forth against each local
area: —
Local Areas
Belgian Congo
Sierra Leone..
Tanganyika ..
Dangerous infectious disease®
Smallpox and Typhus.
Plague and Smallpox.
Cholera and Smallpox
Cholera and Smallpox.
By His Excellency's C o m m a n d ,
Administrative Secretary.
Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Cyprus Gazette may be obtained from the Government Printer, Nicosia, post free, on payment of a
subscription of £2.500 mils for a year, payable in advance ; single copies £0.085 mils.