1,300 cu. yds.
No. 571.
Tenders for
coarse aggregate,
cu. yds. fine, 300 cu. yds. I" clippings to Public
Works Department, should reach the office of the
Accountant-General not later than 10 a.m. on
Saturday the 11th June, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers
•on application to the Director of Public Works.
Tenders for 8,000 cu. yds. Havarotsiakkilo to
Public Works Department, should reach the office
of the Accountant-General not later than 10 a.m.
on Saturday the 11th June, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers
on application to the Director of Public Works.
Tenders for 2,500 cu. yds. hard foundation stone
4 " — 6 " to Public Works Department, should reach
the office of the Accountant-General not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 11th June, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers
on application to the Director of Public Works.
Tenders for the binding and repair of records
of the Department of Lands and Surveys should
reach the President of the Tender Board, Treasury,
Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m. on Saturday the
11th June, 1960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Director of Lands and Surveys.
N o . 575.
Tenders for the construction of 2\ miles of forest
road from locality " Psilos" towards Argaki tou
Koufoplatanou in Paphos Forest, should reach the
Treasury, Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m. on Satur–
day the 11th June, 1960. The tenderers should
quote a charge per linear yard of road constructed.
2. Specifications and further details may be
obtained from the Forest Engineer, telephone
No. 4000/2272, Nicosia.
No. 576.
Tenders are invited for the supply of Ordinary
Portland Type Cement for the Government Central
Stores. Conditions of Tenders and Price Schedule
Forms may be obtained on application to the Acting
Senior Stores Officer, Nicosia.
2. Tenders should be submitted to the President
of the Tender Board, Treasury H.Qs., Nicosia, not
later than 10 a.m. on Saturday the 25th June, 1960.
N o . 577.
Tenders are invited for the transport of Govern–
ment goods from Famagusta to any point in Cyprus
for the period 1st July—31st December, 1960.
Tenders should reach the office of the Acting Trea–
surer, Treasury H.Qs., Nicosia, by not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 25th June, 1960.
2. Tenders must be submitted on the Official
Price Schedule and in accordance with Conditions
of Tender which may be obtained from the Acting
Senior Stores Officer, Stores Department, Nicosia.
B y His Excellency's Command,
Acting Administrative Secretary.
Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Cyprus Gazette may be obtained from the Government Printer, Nicosia, post free, on payment of a
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