APRIL, i960.
No. 424. The Bankruptcy Law.
CAP. 6.
In the District Court of Famagusta.
In Bankruptcy.
No. 1/1960.
Re : Chrysostomos M . Souglis and Brother,
of Lefkoniko.
Debtors' Names—Chrysostomos M . Souglis
Solomis M . Souglis.
Description—Not described in the Receiving
Date of filing Petition—20th April, 1960.
Date of Receiving Order—20th April, 1960.
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Deb–
Nicosia, 22nd April, 1960.
Official Receiver and Registrar.
No. 425.
The Streets and Buildings Regulation Law.
C A P . 165 A N D L A W S I O O F 1950, 44 O F 1954,
1 8 O F I955 A N D 1 2 O F 1957-
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the
Municipal Corporation of Famagusta, in exercise of
the powers vested in them under section 12 of the
Streets and Buildings Regulation Law, Cap. 165,
with the object of widening and straightening the
streets described below, have caused plans to be
prepared, showing the width of the said streets and
the direction that these will follow.
The said plans are posted on a wall in the office
of the Municipal Engineer, Municipal Building, and
are open to inspection by the public during the
working days and hours of the Municipal Offices
for three months from the date of this publication
in the Gazette.
Any person who objects to the said plans may at
any time within the aforesaid three months period,
appeal to His Excellency the Governor against the
said plans.
Famagusta, A.
20th April, 1960.
Streets affected by the said plans.
Ayios Nicolaos Square.
No. 426.
Notice under Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47 of
the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that any
person having a claim against or any interest in the
estate of Zacharias Michael deceased, late of Ay.
Omologites is hereby required to send to us parti–
culars in writing of his claim or interest before expi–
ration of two months from the publication of this
notice after which date the estate of the said de–
ceased will be distributed among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims
and interests of which we have had notice.
Administrators of the Estate of Zacharias
Michael deceased, c/o Mr. Charilaos G.
Velans. Advocate, 14, Eleftherias Street,
No. 427.
Tenders are invited for the supply and transport
of the following road materials to Engomi streets : —
(i) 800 cubic yards of river gravel.
(ii) 2,400 cubic yards of metal 2"—3".
(iii) 300 cubic yards of chipping £".
(iv) 500 cubic yards of chipping §".
(v) 350 cubic yards of curb line.
2. These tenders should reach the Acting Trea–
surer not later than 10 a.m. on the 7th May, 1960.
3. Details can be supplied to tenderers by the
Chief Village Roads Foreman, Commissioner's
Office, Nicosia.
No. 428.
Tenders for the supply of timber ex-stock to the
Government Central Stores, Nicosia, should reach
the office of the President, Tender Board, Treasury
H.Qs., Nicosia, by 10 a.m. on Saturday the 7th May,
2. Particulars of tender may be obtained from
the Controller of Stores, Nicosia.
No. 429.
Tenders for the supply of text books for the Greek
Elementary Schools should reach the Treasury not
later than the 14th May, 1960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Chief Education Officer (Greek)
17, Zenonos Kitieos Street, Nicosia.
No. 430.
Tenders for the printing of text books for the
Greek Elementary Schools should reach the Treasury
not later than 10 a.m. on the 7th May, 1960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli-^
cation to the Chief Education Officer (Greek)
17, Zenonos Kitieos Street, Nicosia.
No. 431.
Tenders for the supply to the Government
Central Stores, Nicosia, Limassol and Famagusta
and to Public Works Department Depots at Larnaca
and Paphos of locally produced Asbestos Cement
Products, should reach the office of the President,.
Tender Board, Treasury H.Q., Nicosia, by not later
than 10 a.m. on Saturday the 7th May, 1960.
2. Conditions of Tender and Price Schedules may
be obtained on application to the Controller of
Stores, Nicosia.
No. 432.
Tenders for the supply of the following should
reach the Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on 7th
May, 1960 : —
T w o Multystage Centrifugal Pumps.
Four Electric Motors.
Four Diesel Engines.
T w o Vertical Turbine Pumps.
2. Further particulars may be obtained from the~
Office of the Acting Chief Water Development
No. 433.
Tenders for the supply of locally made furniture
for the Rural Central School, Morphou, should
reach the Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on the
7th May, 1960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli~
cation to the Chief Education Officer (Greek)
17, Zenonos Kitieos Street, Nicosia.