MARCH, i960.
The Co-operative Societies Law.
CAP. 198 AND L A W S
OF 1955 AND 28 OF 1959.
The following Co-operative Society and the bye-
laws thereof have been duly registered under the
of the above Laws :—
" Kholetria (Paphos District) Co-operative
Store Society Limited ".
(M.P. 1363/53/4O
Dated 22nd February, i960.
Greek Registrar of
Co-operative Societies.
No. 256. Revenue Survey Law.
CAP. 301.
Take notice that in connection with Notification
No. 1204 in the Gazette of the 16th November,
1934, revised plans and schedules showing parti–
culars of areas, new and old plot numbers, and
new and old registration numbers of the several
holdings which were transferred from the village
of Engomi, in the district of Famagusta, to Ayios
Loukas Quarter, Famagusta town, by virtue of
Public Instrument No. 586 of 1956, have been
furnished to the Mukhtar of the said quarter.
And take further notice that under the provi–
sions of the Revenue Survey Law, Cap. 301, the
District Lands Officer will for two months from
the date of this notice attend at bis office in
Famagusta to hear any complaints arising from
the survey that may be addressed to him.
And further take notice that if within the period
herein limited, namely two months, no complaints
are made or any boundaries which have been
settled are undisputed, the District Lands Officer,
shall forthwith fix the said boundaries and cause
the areas, the plot numbers and the registration
numbers appearing in the existing registrations
to be amended accordingly and thereupon any
person or persons aggrieved shall be debarred
from obtaining any amendment of the said
boundaries as determined except by any legal
remedy he or they may possess.
Director of Lands and Surveys.
19th February, i960.
(M.I. 228/59.)
No. 257.
In the District Court of Kyrenia.
Appl. No. 5/1960.
In the matter of the Probates (Re-sealing) Law,
Cap. 219,
In the matter of Sir William Denis Battershill,
K.C.M.G., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 26th
day of March, 1960, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon,
application will be made on the above-named
District Court for the re-sealing of the probate of
the will of Sir William Denis Battershill K.C.M.G.
late of " Livas" Karakoumi Village, deceased,
granted by the District Probate Registry at Bodmin,
on the 6th January, 1960.
Advocates for George Polyviou
No. 258.
In the District Court of Famagusta.
Appl. No. 8/1960.
In the matter of the Probates (Re-sealing) Law,
Cap. 219,
In the matter of Violet Jessie McKinley, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of April,
i960, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, application will
be made to the above-named District Court for the
re-sealing of Letters of Administration with Will
annexed of Violet Jessie McKinley, late of 1 Blogis-
hay Lane, Ashburton, Devon, England, deceased,
granted by the High Court of Justice in England at
Oxford on the 27th day of January, i960.
Dated the 7th day of March, i960.
Advocates for the Administrator
Robert Hugh Dudley McKinley of
No. 259.
Notice under Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47
of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that
any person having a claim against or any interest
in the Estate of Stavros Kyriakides, deceased,
late of Larnaca, is hereby required to send to me
particulars in writing of the claim or interest
before the expiration of two months from the
publication of this notice after which date the
estate of the said deceased will be distributed
among the persons entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims and interests of which I have
had notice.
Larnaca, the 3rd March, i960.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Stavros Kyriakides, late of
No. 260.
Notice under Section 47 of the Administration
of Estates Law, 1954.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47
of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, that
I intend to transfer to and /or distribute the
movable and immovable property of the deceased
Demetrios or Mitsos Chr. Caremfylakis among
the persons entitled thereto.
Any person interested is required to send to me
particulars of his claim within two months from
publication hereof, after which I will proceed to
such transfer and distribution having regard only
to the claims of which I shall have, by then,
Larnaca the 4th day of March, i960.