No. 199.
Tenders are invited by the Acting Treasurer for
the sale of a " J A M E S " bicycle ; the tenders
should be sent to the Treasury not later than
10 a.m. on Saturday the 27th February, i960.
2. The bicycle can be inspected at the Legal
Department during office hours.
Tenders for the transport, three times a week,
of two bags of Laundry from Larnaca Hospital to
Nicosia Laundry and vice versa, should reach the
Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on the 27th
February, i960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on
application to the Director of Medical Services.
Tenders for the making, repairing and altera–
tion of Police Winter and Summer uniforms may
be obtained from Divisional Police Headquarters
at Nicosia, Famagusta, Limassol, Larnaca, Kyre–
nia, Paphos and Lefka or at Force Headquarters,
Nicosia. Any tailor desirous of tendering for this
contract should make application to any of the
above Headquarters.
2. Completed tenders, showing clearly to which
Division or Branch the prices refer, should be
submitted to the Accountant-General, President,
Tender Board, Nicosia, to arrive not later than
10 a.m. on 12th March, i960. Envelopes should
be clearly marked " Tailoring Police Uniform ".
N o .
Anyone wishing to lease the Athalassa canteen
for one year commencing from the 1st March,
i960, may submit bis tender to the President of
the Tender Board, Treasury, Nicosia, early
enough so as to reach its destination not later
than 10 a.m. on Saturday the 27th February,
2. The canteen may be inspected at any time
during working hours and further particulars
obtained from the Director of Agriculture, Nicosia
(telephone No. 4000/2255).
3. The Government is not bound to accept the
highest or any tender.
Tenders for the supply of:
{a) a sound 16 m.m. cine projector with special
optical magnetic attachment.
(6) color negative films 35 m.m., 36 exposures,
Sensitivity around 17 din. (Annual needs
approx. 30).
(c) Positive slides 35 m.m. produced from
master negatives in series of one to twelve
copies. (Annual needs approx. 4,000
The positive slides should be mounted between
special glasses of the " permanent type " (not
interchangeable). For copies more than two
from the same negative, slides should be delivered
in series and numbered according to our
Tenders should reach the Treasury not later
than 10 a.m. on Saturday, 27th February, i960.
Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Head Master, Technical School,
Tenders for the supply of Elementary School
requisites (Stationery, Art and Craft materials,
paper and new empty bags) for the Greek Elemen–
tary Schools should reach the Treasury not later
than 10 a.m. on the 19th March, i960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on
application to the Chief Education Officer (Greek),
17, Zenonos Kitieos Street, Nicosia.
By His Excellency's Command,
Administrative Secretary.
Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Cyprus Gazette may be obtained from the Government Printer, Nicosia, post free, on payment of a
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