Mineral deposits containing gold, silver, platinum, mercury, lead, iron, copper, tin,
zinc, bismuth, cobalt, nickel, chrome, arsenic, manganese, antimony, aluminium, sulphur,
orpiment, alum, coal of various descriptions, bitumen, naphtha, petroleum and any other
analogous substances, and precious stones of any kind whatsoever:
Proportional duties from the annual product without deducting the expenses
1 per cent.-5 per cent. ("-)
If taken from the pure mineral substances after the same have been smelted and
liquified, the costs of smelting and liquifying shall be deducted.
Emery and meerschaum : Duty to be fixed according to the mine.
Government is at liberty to take mining duties in kind or in money according to the
current prices of the time.
The proportional duties are recoverable in the following year by instalments.
Asbestos whether in the rough or clean .. .. .. 5 per cent, of value
Gypsum and gypsum stone ..
.. .. .. 3p. per ton (*)
Lime and lime stone .. .. .. .. .. .. 4|p. per tou
Terra umbra, whether raw, calcined or levigated ..
3s. 4$p. per ton
Stone quarried from State lands
4£p. per cubic yard
Shingle and sand ..
4*p. per ton
A n y other mineral substance .. ..
.. .. 5 per cent, of value-
All such Royalties are assessed and collected by the Customs Authorities at the
Port of shipment. The Customs Authorities are empowered in the event of the value of
any mineral being in their opinion insufficiently or incorrectly declared to demand and
take in respect of the said mineral the above Royalty or any part thereof in kind instead
of in cash.
Rate of royalty to be provided in licence.
The Ottoman Minea
' RetruUtions Law of
2 Shaban, 1235.
Art. 2, 41 and 43.
Order in Council No.
508 published in Ge-tetu
No. 1010 of 9th Jnne,
""•1911, and Order is
Council No. 920 pub–
lished in Gazette No.
15.5 of 16th F«b., 1923.
Law No. 5 of 1882,
aec. 13.
On issue of a lease for the working of a mine :—
Fee of 50-200 Turkish liras (£45-£180) according to grade and importance
- j ,
The Ottoman Minea
RegT-*_ti->-*i Law of 2
Shaban 1285. Art. 38.
O n issue of a smelting permit:—
- ••.
Ottoman Minea
Fee of 10-50 Turkish liras (£9-£45) according to the importance of the smelting j
J ^ ^ ^ A V M *
house, etc.
( The Ottoman Minea
Ground Fee, 5 paras per annum per donum of 1,600 architectural square pics .. < Regulation* Law of 2
' Shaban, 1285. Art. 40.
Interest at the rate of one and a half per cent, below Bank of England rate per annum j
ect to a minimum of 2 % on the dailr Balance of the Government General Account at I Agr-ement dated
... •_> _
• _ • • . • -
> 14th April, 1932, with
Htoman Bank.
f Ottoman Bank.
Interest on investments in certain Colonial Securities andfloatingbalances in London- J
fi*) N e w Lrmni Ltd. Bo-ralty fixed at 3 per cent, on copper and minerals of eqnal or lesser ralue and \ i
n d e n t u r e or
5 per cent, on mineral- of a gre_ter ralue than copper and on precioui stones after deducting certain costs, J
Clause 7.
and £30 per annum rent.
/ Order in Council N o .
11683 of 24th March,
t*. N o royalty is payable upon gypsum or gypsum stone exported during a period of two years J 1935,
p u
b . in Gaz.
from the 19th Febmao-. 1936.
PJ>* 2 5 0 4 ^ of 27th
I March, 1936.