R A I L W A Y R A T E S A N D CHARGES—continued.
Parcels are charged at luggage rates unless special rates and conditions are quoted.
Cloak Room charges:—
The Railway is not responsible for articles left by passengers at the station, unless the
articles are duly registered and the following charges are paid :—
For perambulators, mail carts, sewing machines on tables or stands, bath chairs,
invalid chairs, and handcarts :—
Registration fee .. .. .. • • • • • • • •
If left for more than 2 days, per day in addition .. ..
2 p.
For bicycles, uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, etc., tempo–
rarily deposited:
Registration fee .. .. - • • • • • • •
If left for more than 2 days, per day in addition .. .. 2 p.
For articles other than the above :
Registration fee .. .. •. - • • • • •
2 ?•
If left for more than three days, per day in addition ..
1 p.
Live-stock Transport Rates.
(a) At owner's risk.
Morses, Mules, Ponies, Asses and Horned Cattle:—
(i) Country bred :—
1 animal lp. per mile.
2, 3 or 4 animals 30 paras per head per mile.
5 animals and over 25 paras per head per mile.
.= (u) Imported :—
Double the above rates.
*\fi*-t?*mnTTi charge, 2s. Op.
From 10 to 20 paras per head per mile, according to size.
Minimn-nn charge, Zp., 6p. and Is., according to size.
.Sheep and goats;—
For a distance of 1 to 12 miles 2p. per head.
13 to 24 „ 3p. „ ••-,--.•
25 to 36 „ 4p. „
For a distance of 1 to 12 miles Up. per head.
13 to 24 „ 2p.
25 to 36 „ 3p.
From Styllos to Nicosia, 2\p. per head.
The above rates are exclusive of loading and unloading which must be done by owners.
One attendant can travel free of charge with the animals in the same vehicle at his
•own risk.
(6) At Railway risk.
Horses and Mules
44p. per head per mile.
Asses, Oxen, Cows and Calves
.. 3-£p. do.
Sheep, Goat3 and Pigs .. . . . . .. .. 2 p.
do. .
At owner's risk.
At Railway risk.
Dogs .. .. .. .. 3rd class fare when travel- )
ling with owners.
( -p. ,. .,
Half 3rd class fare when (
D o u b I e the3e rates
travelling in brake van. 1
-Cats and other small animals, Luggage rates by weight ]
in cages or hampers .. with a minimum charge i Double these rates
At owner's
At Railway rUk. '
Poultry, in hampers or crates Half luggage rates with a » T\ -, i
__in___un_ charge of Up.\ -Douole luggage rates.
Birds, other than poultry, in Double luggage rates by j
weight with a minimum {• Cannot be transported.
charge of Is.
Animals intended for export are transported from Nicosia to Famagusta town or harbour
at owner'sriskat the following rates:—
1 animal .. .. .. ...'.. .. lp. per mile.
2, 3, 4 animals
.. .. 30 paras per head per mile.
5 animals and over .*. ..
25 paras do.
The liability of the Railway for animals carried thereon can in no case exceed :—-
In the case of horses and mules' ..-: .. .. .'. £10 per head.
asses, oxen, cows and calves .. .. £3 per head. '".
pigs .. . :* . . . . . . . . 10,. per head.
sheep, goats and dogs .. .. .. -3*. per head. :
unless the consignor has declared their value at the time of consignment to be higher
and paid 2\p. per cent, upon the excess value so declared as compensation for the
increased risk.