XVII. W h a t provision is made for the education of
prisoners ?
XVLLI. O n what conditions are remissions of im–
prisonment granted .
In Central Prison 3 classes of one hour each are held
weekly ; in District Prisons there are no schools, but
well-conducted prisoners w h o can read are allowed to
have educational and religious books of their respective
Prisoners of good behaviour and industrious in labour
sentenced to not le**3 than two years are, if males, after
three-fourths, or, if females, after two-thirds of their
term of imprisonment has expired, recommended to the
Governor for remission of their sentence, with, or
without, Ticket of Leave. Prisoners under a sentence
of less than two years but not less than one month
earn by good conduct and industry a remission of one-
sixth of their sentence.
X I X . Have Coroner's Inquests .been held on
occasion of a death in prison during the past year !
and what were the verdicts ?
Seven prisoners died in prison during the past year
as a result of execution. N o inquest was held, but the
Medical Officer certified in each case that death was
due to dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.
X X . 1. W h a t wa3 the sanitary state of the prisons
during the year ?
Central Prison, Nicosia
Very good.
2. W h a t were the prevailing diseases ?
Rheumatism, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diseases of
digestive and respiratory system, influenza, dysentery,
dyspepsia, diseases of skin, syphilis, constipation,
hernia, colic, anaemia, bronchial catarrh, debilitv.
X X I . W h a t are, shortly, the rules as to Diet ?
Extra Diet allowed to prisoners earning and
keeping 1 or 2 Badges.
Sundav ...
25 drams Olives.
30 drams Bulgur.
10 drams Olive-oil.
1 cup Turkish Coffee.
1 mug of Tea.
2 davs
250 drams Bread
25 -, Cheese
i 250 ., Bread
3 days < 60 „ Fresh Vegetables
( 10 „ Oil
( 250 ,. Bread
1 day < 75 ., Cooked meat free of bone
. 50 .. Rice before being cooked
250 „ Bread
1 dar 1 50 .. Bulgur or Balda
( 10 „ Oil
D I E T A R T No. 2.
The same as Dietary No. 1 with the addition of 50 drams of
Bread for each convict.
D I E T A B T No. 3.
Daily 250 drams of Bread,
One day 40 drams olives,
next day 60 drams fresh Vegetables as directed in Dietary No. 1.
Punishment diet for all prisoners.
n«;*„ ' *
drams Bread
uauy j -'Water, Unlimited
In addition to above, fresh fruit in limited quantities may be
supplied Then so ordered by the Medical Officer of the Prison ;
also extra diet of 40 drams olives and 40 drams raisins are
supplied once a week, ix., raisins on Tuesdays and olivet on
Saturdays to all long sentence male and female prisoners daring
the months when no fruit is given.