* M O T O R C A R A N D M O T O R C Y C L E LICENCES—continued.
F E E S F O B L I C E N C E S T O D R I V E .
Per annum.
For a licence to drive a motor car or motor cycle .. .. .. .. £1
For duplicate licence in the event of loss or defacement of the original.. 3*.
For a licence to a person wishing to learn how to drive ..
.. 2.. -_\p.
For a licence to a visitor (-•) .. .. ..
.. os.
Licences to drive a motor car or motor cycle expire one year after the date of i_sue
and m a y thereafter be renewed from year to year. Licences issued to visitors are valid
only for a period not exceeding three months and cannot be renewed after they have
expired. Licences to learn how to drive expire two months after the date of issue.
(a) Licences to the driver of any motor car belonging to the Governor or to the
Government, whilst driving such motor car.
(6) Licences to drivers of motor tractors whilst driving a motor tractor.
(c) Licences to drivers of any mofor car used by any Municipal Corporation for
watering or other sanitary purposes within the Municipal limits over which such Municipal
Corporation exercises authority, whilst so driving such a motor car.
(d) Licences to any person w h o is the holder of a valid International Certificate or
International Driving Permit issued outside Cyprus under the International Convention
relative to Motor Traffic of the 24th April, 1926, or of a valid Fiscal Permit issued
outside Cyprus under the International Convention regarding the taxation of foreign
-vehicles of the 30th March, 1931.
The Motor Car Regu–
lations. 1930, published
in Gaz. No. 20Srt of
4th Occobor, 1930. a_
amended by the Motor
Car (Amendment) Re–
gulations, 1935, pub.
in Gaz. No. 2454 of
> 12th July, 1935, and
the Motor Car 'Amend–
ment) Regulations,
1936, pub. in Gaz. No,
2504 of 27 th March,
1936; and the Motor
Car (Visitors) Regu–
lations, 1936, pub. in
Gaz. No. 2546 of 30th
Oct., 1936.
Licence to sell manufactured tobacco and tumbeki (
Hawker's licence (
) .. ..
£ -.
1 0
1 10
per annum.
For every licence to cultivate tobacco a fee of 4|p. for every two donums of land or
-part thereof for which application to the Director of Agriculture for a licence to cultivate
tobacco is m a d e : Provided that the m a x i m u m fee in respect of any one licence shall
not exceed 10*.
For the establishment of a factory for the manufacture of matches £100 per annum.
_Note.—Every licence expires on the 31st December of each year and is renewable annually.
For every hotel, any premises occupied by a club, theatre, restaurant or other place
used for the sale of intoxicating liquors by retail, an annual percentage on the rental or
yearly value of the premises so used after the rate of 50 per cent., but so that the licence
duty for an hotel or for a club-house shall not exceed £5 and so that the licence duty for
any other premises so used shall not exceed the sum of £20, and so that the lowest annual
rate of duty chargeable shall be for premises in any of the towns of Nicosia, Larnaca,
Limassoi, Famagusta (including Varosha), Kyrenia and Ktima £4 and for premises in
-any other place £1 10*. per annum.
For selling by retail in any tent or booth or in the open air ..2s. per diem.
For selling by retail in any approved building
.. .. 10*. „
Provided that whenever the Principal Officer of Customs and Excise in the District
-of Larnaca shall authorize in writing the sale of intoxicating liquors on the premises of
the Cyprus Pavilion at Larnaca (a) in quantities of not less than one bottle at a time,
.and (6) not for consumption on the said premises, such sale shall not be deemed to be a
sale of intoxicating liquors by retail.
For a special permit from the Commissioner extending the time
during which any premises on which intoxicating liquors are
sold by retail m a y remain open on any night specified in such
permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-. for every hoar ot extension
Note.—No licence is required for the sale of intoxicating liquor in an officers' or non–
-commissioned officers' mess of His Majesty's troops or in a military canteen authorized
h y the Officer Commanding His Majesty's troops in Cyprus.
For every licence granted . . . . .. .. .. .. .. £5
Government officials licensed to act as pilots with a view to their carrying out pilotage
duties on behalf of the Government are exempted from payment of this fee.
(Issued at Famagusta by the Inspector of Fisheries.) .
For each boat with harpoon (Kamaki), naked diving only, 10.. and 2 0 % of the
whole take of sponges.
For each boat fitted with diving apparatus-, £1 and 2 5 % of the whole take of
. . . . . .
L a w No. 40 of 1932,
as amended by L a w
No. 29 of 1935, sec. 4.
! T h e Tobacco (Licence
Fee) Regulations, 1935,
pab. in Gaz. No. 2435
of 5th April, 1935.
L a w No. 15 of 1935,
4 (1). (2), (3). (4).
j L a w No. 10 of 1889,
sec. 14, as amended by
^ L a w N o . 20 of 1926,
I sec 8, and L a w No. 27
I of 1930, sec. 2.
Order dated 8th Oct,
• 1936, pab. in Gaz. N o .
2543 of 9th-Oct., 1936.
L a w No. 30 of 1934.
sec 2.
The Pilotage Regu-
.lations,* 1935, pub. in
Gaz. No. 2426 of 1st
March, 1935.
Order in Council Ne.
1227 of 7th March,
1928. pub. in Gaz. N o .
1907 of 16th March,
) "Visitor** means a person w h o is on a visit to Cypnis for a period not exceeding three months.
(*) These licences are payable annually on or after the 13th March. If thefirstlicence is taken prior to !3rh September charge is
.made for the whole year; if taken on or after that date the licence ii issued a; half the annual rate for the peried np to 12th of
March following.