CUSTOilS DUTIES—-continued.
A drawback of Customs Import Duty at the rate of one shilling and four pi?stres is
paid to any Tobacco Manufacturer for every oke of cigarettes, made from imported tcbacco,
and exported from Cyprus, in respect of any quantity of cigarettes exceeding one oke in
any one consignment.
A drawback at the rate offive-sixthsof the full import duty for the time bein_ pavable
on paraffin wax imported into Cyprus is paid to the exporter for every oke of candles
and or night-lights manufactured in and exported from Cyprus. Xo drawback is paid in
respect of any consignment of candles and or night-lights "of less thanfiveokes in weight,
and the Customs official at the port or place of exportation may require that samples of
the candles and or night-lights to be exported be taken and submitted for analysis to the
Government Analyst for the purpose of ascertaining the quantitv of paraffin wax contained
A drawback at the rate offive-twelfthsof the full import duty for the time being
payable on sugar imported into Cyprus is granted to exporters for every oke of foodstuffs
manufactured in and exported from Cyprus which are proved to the satisfaction of the
Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue to be composed of not less than one-half of
sugar. N o drawback is, however, granted in respect of any consignment of such foodstuffs
of less than five okes in weight.
Fixed money allowances are paid to officers and m e n of His Majesty's Forces stationed
in Cyprus in respect of import duties on wines, spirits, malt liquors, tobacco and cigarettes.
A drawback of import duty at the rate of ninety per cent, of the full import duty paid
on raw hides and skins imported into Cvprus and subsequently converted into dressed
leather or sole leather is granted, paid anci allowed on every consignment of dressed leather
or sole leather exported after having been converted as aforesaid. N o drawback is granted,
paid or allowed in respect of any consignment of such dressed leather or sole leather of less
value than five pounds.
Carobs .. .
.. .. .. lp. per Aleppo cantar.
The following are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—
of a type declared by the Governor in Council to be i
dangerous.—Importation absolutely prohibited.
A i o r o - m o x .__-_>
" Rochet" or " Tracer " sporting cartridges.—Importation absolutely prohibited.
Importation of any of the following goods is prohibited save under licencefromthe
Comptroller of Customs:
1. Blasting pencder, Dynamite (*) and all other explosives, except sporting ammunition.
2. Fireieorks. 3. Fuzes. _. Detonators. 5. Ball cartridges and ball cartridge cases,
except for use of His Majesty's Forces and the Government.
Camels, horses, mules and asses.—Importation restricted to the ports of Larnaca,
Famagusta, Limassoi, Kyrenia and Paphos; landing to be made in quarantine and
with the permission of the Director of Agriculture, or an Inspector of Cattle Disease,
or a Health Officer, and subject to the other provisions of the Orders and Regulations
regarding the importation of animals published in Gazette No. 1154 of 12th February,
Law No. 40 of 1932
sec. 46.
The Custom- Draw–
back (Paraffin Wax)
r Regulatio_-,1933.pub.
in Gazette No. 2325-
of I Ttb Nov., 1933.
The Customs Draw.
back (Sugar) Regula–
tions. 1934. pub. in Gaz.
No. 2331 of 9th March.
Law No. 31 of 1936,
sec. 61.
/ The Customs
/ back
Hides and
\ Skins) Regulations,
11936, pub. in Gaz. No.
2558 of 31st Dec., 1936.
Order in Council No.
1681 of 28th Dec.,
1934, pub. in Gaz. No.
2415 of 28thDec,1934.
Law No.
sec. 3(1).
31 of 1933,
Order in Council No.
1704 of 14th Sept.,
•1936, pub. in Gaz. No.
,2537 of 14th Sept.,
Orders and Regu–
lation of the High
Commissioner dated
29th Jan., 1915, pub.
in Gaz. No. 1154 of
12th Feb., 1915.
Cattle, she p, and swine.—Importation prohibited, save und r a permit previously
obtained from the Director of Agriculture.
D-S*-.—Landing prohibited save by a permit from a Veterinary Officer or a Port Medical
Dogs whose landing has been permitted m a y only be landed at the ports of
Famagusta, Larnaca or Limassoi and, on arrival in Cyprus, are subject to detention
and isolation at the expense of the owner or importerfora period of six months from
the date of landing in premises under the control of the Director of Agriculture.
The Director of Agriculture may, however, in the case of a dog imported from a
country in which he has reason to believe that the incidence of Rabies is comparatively
high, direct that the period of quarantine shall be extended for a further period not
exceeding three months.
___,_. _ _
N V H o g is allowed to be landed unless it is accompanied by a certificate issued by
a qualified Veterinary Surgeon in the country of origin indicating its breed, age, sex
and markings, the state of its health and the time during which it has been in the
country of origin prior to"exportation : Provided that the Director of Agriculture
m a y in his discretion waive these requirements.
! T h e Importation of
Animals (Cattle, Sheep
and Swine) .Order,
1933, pub. in Gaz. No.
2324 of 10th Nov.,1933.
The Importation of
, Dogs Order, 1935, pub.
in _•_=. No. 2435 of
oth April, 1935. " -
(•) Dvnamite and other explosive substances m a v be imported at the port of Lefka by such
Berson or'p-rson as m a y be authorized in that behalf by special permission of the Governor given
nnder the hand of the Colonial Secretary and subject to such limitations as to quantity « ortier-
«-_.e as the Governor m a y seefitto impose; and upon such importation the said articles shall be
-land-d at such place and in such manner as the Con____sioner and Principal Officer or Customs
of tbe District of Nicosia shall appoint.
Order in Council N o .
1225, pub. in Gaz. No.
1904 of 24th Feb.,