C U S T O M S DUTIES—continued.
Fire engines and water sprinklers and parts for same imported by or for the use of
Municipal Councils : provided they are of British Empire Origin.
Fish, fresh, taken in the waters of the Colony.
Fla_5, British : provided they are of British Empire Origin.
37A. Flax yarn imported from any part of the British Empire within one year from the
18th April, 1936, by any owner of factory for the weaving of cloth therefrom.
38. Foundry coke : provided it is of British Empire Origin.
39. Foundry fire bricks: provided they are of British Empire Origin, and for use in
39A. Fuel carried on board an aircraft entering Cyprus and possessing the nationality \
of any of the States in which the Convention relating to the regulation of aerial (
navigation made at Paris on the 13th October, 1919, is for the time being in force : >
provided that the quantity of such fuel does not exceed that needed for the journey V
of such aircraft as defined in the log-book thereof.
Furniture for churches and mosques, and articles intended to be used in the building
andfittingof churches and mosques, and vestments and other articles necessarily
used for religious services and certified to be so imported or used, as the case m a y be,
by the proper ecclesiastical authority.
Goods imported by or on behalf of the Governor or in the absence of the Governor,
the Officer Admrnisterirtg the Government, for his use.
Goods imported by or for the use of the Government.
Goods imported by the Cyprus Mines Corporation:—
(a) The following goods or materials of British Empire Origin imported by the
Cyprus Mines Corporation between the 1st of June, 1935, and the 31st of
December, 1937, inclusive, and certified to be solely required for use by the
Corporation for its mining or ore treating operations or in connection with
the mill and power plant buildings, shops, warehouses, tanks and engineering
structures belonging to the Corporation:—
Fabricated structural steel with bolts, nuts andrivetsready for erection.
Law No
-ec. 34.
31 f 193G,
i Order in Council No.
I 1687 of ISth April,
', 1936, pub. in Gaz. No.
[-251 lof 24th April, 1936.
Law No.
31 of 1930,
Corrugated iron sheets, galvanized or ungalvanized, and
Steel sash and steel doors.
Reinforcing steel bars.
Punched steel plates ready for assembling into tanks.
Corrugated asbestos or composition sheets andfittingsfor attachment.
The following goods or materials imported by the Cyprus Mines Corporation
between the 1st January, 1934, and 31st December, 1943, and certified to be
solely required for use by the Corporation for its mining or ore treating operations
or in connection with the mill and power plant buildings, shops, warehouses,
tanks and engineering structures belonging to the Corporation :—
Flotation reagents comprising chemicals, oils, and other substances for use
in theflotationprocess of ore concentration.
Iron or steel or alloy balls, wearing plates, mantles, liners in all shapes,
. roll shells and discs, for use in ore crushing machinery or ore grinding mills.
Scrap iron and steel, loose, baled or compressed, and pig iron, for use in the
precipitation of copper from solutions.
Crude petroleum, fuel or furnace oil, gas oil or diesel oiL
(c) The following goods or materials of British Empire Origin imported by the
Cyprus Mines Corporation between the 1st January, 1934, and 31st December,
1943, and certified to be solely required for use by the Corporation for its
mining or ore treating operations or in connection with the m-ffl and power
plant buildings, shops, warehouses, tanks and engineering structures belonging
to the Corporation:— *
Lubricating oils imported in bulk and not intended for distribution or re-sale.
Asbestos or composition sheeting in rolls to be used forflooringunder
mineral heaps.
Expanded metal and steel to be used in stopping operations.
Any of these goods or materials which are of non-British Empire Origin should,
on importation, pay one-sixth of the full duties of Customs for the time being
in force.
. . . .
Goods and stores imported by and. for the use of His Majesty's Forces duly certified
as such by an officer thereof. ->.
_,. _.
Gymnastic apparatus imported for the use of schools.
H a y and straw and other animal food imported under permit from the Director of
Agriculture. - . . . , . - ...
Hoops forfruit,egg and vegetable boxes. '
Hospital appliances or. equipment certified under the hand of the Director of Medical
Services to be imported for the use of any Hospital.
Law No. 32 of 1934,
3 (a), as amended
byLawNo.28of 1935,
L a w No. 32 of 1934,
sees. 3 and 4.