Set Amouut of Debt.
3. Amount of original debt: £12,000.
Amount repaid : £1,87.) 9s. Op.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1936: £10,121 lis. Op.
To whom due *. The Misses Theresa N.
Dimitriou aud Thessalia N. Dimitriou
of Larnaca.
Race of interest: 6 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
Sth October. 1934. For the erection
of a municipal market, for the con–
struction of asphalt streets in the
town of Larnaca, for the improve–
ment of the electric power station
and the erection of urinals in various
parts of the town of Larnaca, and for
thefindingof fresh drinking water
Provision for payment of incerest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipal
Corpora-ion. The Municipal Corpora–
tions Law, 1930.
1. Amount of original debt: £200.
Amounc repaid: £80.
Amounc outstanding on 31st December.
1936: £120.
To whom due: Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest:. 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose:
26th October. 1934. For the improve–
ment of che water supply aud for the
construction or improvement of roads
in the village of Lefkara.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Law3 by which it is
made: Genera! Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. The Municipal Corpora–
tions Laws. 1930 and 1934.
2. Amoant of original debc : £463.
Amoun. repaid: NIL
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1936 : £463.
To w h o m due: Mr. Aristodimos Chr.
Antoni and Mrs. Ioulia L. Chr. Loizou,
both of Pano I_efkara.
Rate of interest : 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred- aud for what purpose :
7th July, 1936. For the improvement
of the water supply of Pano Lefkara.
Provision for payment of incerest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. The Municipal Corpora–
tions Law-, 1930 and 1934.
1. Amount of original debt: £10,000.
Amount repaid : £3,152 3s. 3p.
Amount oucstaudiug on 31st Dec.,
193K : £6.847 16s. 6p.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of iuceresc : 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred,and for what purpose:
7th Febniary,l929. For the improve–
ment of the water supply of the town
of Limassoi aud the amelioration of
streets and open public spaces within
the Municipal limits of Limassoi.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pal Corporation. The Municipal
Councils Law, 1882, and the Public
Loans Law. 1897.
Number ai -lector* .
- _
voting at tha last con-!
Qualifications of tested Elaction. _ivm_
E lectors and number!
Municipal! t y,i
a m i W
n l or Ditm
regmere_. j ,
rjct jnw h j c h
i took plare. |
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem ... 91
Christian... 487
Total ...578
N o poll cook
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Moslem and
See .Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem... 85
Christian 491
Total ... 576
Moslem ... 446
Christian 1,905
Governing Body.
(-Tames of, and Mode of appointment.)
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Achilleas G. Tiugirides. Mayor
Lycourgos Kyprianou, Deputy Mayor
Loizos Cbristoforos Loizou '
Stavris Georghi Orfanou
Leonidas Haji Koumi
Chrysanthos Christodoulou
Cosmas Michael Cosmas
Aristodimos Chr. Antoni
Hussein Osman Aziz
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 o/1934.
Chr. D . Haggipavlou, O.B.E., Mayor.
Ch. M . Tseriotis, Deputy Mayor.
E. Georgallides
Ioannis Kinds
M . Mallianikis
Ioannis Pareas
George M . Schisa
Hussein Shefik
Nazif Denizer