"£.?t Amo:i:t* o: Dc'ot.
Xumbrrol Elector*
Qualifications of ,vo*tn*t »* tbe lut con-
Electors and number ^!?
name of Jiunicipajity
registered. : ,
.. _.„,- w_rd or Di*-
j trict in which KUcci.^n
i took place.
2. Amounc of original debt : £.*I.0o0.
Amount repaid : £04'> I'Is. Op.
Amount oiuscandin_ on 31st I'ecember,
1936: £2.054 73. Op.
To whom d_e : Loan Commissioners.
Race of interest: 5 per cent.
i When incurred, and for what purpose :
29th October, 1930. For installing
| electric light in the town of Morphou.
| Provision for pavment of interest or
| sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
"jv made: General Revenue of Muni-
i cipal Corporation. The Municipal
i Corporations Law, 1930, and the Public
| Loans Law, 1397.
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem ... 103
Christian ... 82
Amount of original debt: £210.
Amount repaid : £71 18s. 6p.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1936: £138 Is. 3p.
To whom due: Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest : 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose :
21st Mar, 1932. For Che improve–
ment of che watersupply of Kytlirea.
Provision for payment of interest or
siuking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporacions Law, 1930, and the
Public Loans Law. 1*97.
1. Amount of original debt: £2,800.
Amouutrepaid: £1,812 10s. 3p.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1936 : £987 9s. «>p.
T o whom, due: Loan (jo-amiss ioner_.
Rate of interest -. 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
17th Dec., 1923. For the purchase of
an electric light engine and dynamo,
and for building che necessary pre–
mises therefor.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fuud and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Councils Law, 1832, and the Public
Loans Law, 1897.
Amount of original debt: £ 1,200.
Amount repaid: £634 12s. 6p.
Amount outstanding- on 31st Dec.,
1936: £515 7s." 3p.
To whom due : Mr. G. N. Dimitriou.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
31st August, 1933. For the purchase
of a mocor roller, the erection of a
slaughter-house and stables, and
repairs to buildings.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fond aud Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Law, 10 30.
Total... 185
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Christian ... 338
Moslem .
N o poll took place,
the candidates
nominated being
notfaxexcess of
the number of
Christian... 427
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem ... 253
Christian 6.S6
Total... 944
Moslem :
N'o poll cook
place, the
being not in
eicc-ss of the
number of
Christian... 1,252
Go7«rnin-f Bouy.
^N'amei o/. in-! Mod- of ."U'P"i:itm<-!ir.'
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Xelribzade Fadil, Mayor.
Mehmed Resha:I, Deputy Mayor.
Ali Faik Muderris
Ahmed Ghalib Izzet
Antonios Christodoulou
Nicolas loannou
Ahmed Zaik Hussein
Hassan Nihac
Mehmed Dervish Haji Kiamil' *"
. •
. - . - .
• * . - _ •
' •
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Christos N. Katcamis, Mayor.
Kyriacos A. Kaloyiros, Deputy Mayor.
Evelchon lacovides
Petros Haji Louka
Michael C. Makri
Antonios G. Akathiotis
Costas N. Kyriakides
Achanassis Kvriakoii
• Councillors.
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
George P. Aradipiotis, Mayor.
George S. Vassiliades, Deputy Mayor.
George Uiabra Pierides
Zenou D. Pieridt-s
Seraphim I. Seraphim
Giarkos M. Baldasserides ) Councillors
Joseph M. Nasri
Jelal Shenk
Mehmet Subbi Kanaan