S«: ..mount ot" Debt.
! Qualifications of
JEIectors and number
1. Amounc of ori-inal debt:
Amounc re'
•aid : £1.426 Is. (»p.
Amounc outsc-niding on .'Use Dei-ember,
1936 : £1 V»7- 19s. Op.
To whom due : Bank of Cyprus, Ltd.
Race of interest: 6 per cent.
When incurreJ, and for what purpose :
1st June. 1931. For Che repayment
in a lump sum of che balances of
two loans; for the erection of u
municipal market and a new petrol
store and latrines and urinals in
various pares of che market; and
for the paving and asphalting of
the streets of the town of Nicosia
and che purchase of areas for the
widening of the streets.
Provision for parment of iuteresc or
sinking fund, and Laws bj winch it is
made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporatious Law, 1930.
2. Amount of original debt: £5,000.
Amount repaid: Nil.
Amount outstanding ou 31st December,
1936 : £5,000.
To whom doe : Bank of Cvprus. Ltd.
Rate of interest : 6 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
1st October. 1935. To complete the
paving and asphalting of the streets
of the town of Nicosia.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Laws. 193u and 1934.
3. Amounc of original debt : £1,000.
Amounc repaid: Nil.
Amount outstanding on Slst December,
1936 : £1.000.
To whom due: Bank of Cyprus, Ltd.
Race of interest:fiper cenc.
When incurred aud for what purpose.
1st October, 1936. For the repair
and asphalting of existing streets
and the construction of new drains ;
for the construction of new streets ;
and for the repair of the walls near
Famagusta Gate.
Provision for payment of interest or
•inking fond, and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. The Municipal Corpo–
rations LAWS, 1930 aud 1934.
1. Amouut of original debt: £2,350.
Amount repaid: £1,039 18s. 7p.
Amount outstanding ou 31st December,
1936 : £1,310 la. 2p.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Elate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
7th May, 1928. For the distribution
by iron pipes of the drinking water
in the town of Morphou.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. Tbe Municipal Councils
Law, 18-2, & the Public Loans Law,
NB_tb«r of Elector.
lotioj ac tlie lutcon-
(uaC«- Xlectioo. firing
aame of Uuoicipalitr,
««_, ami Ward or Di<-
*nc» io which Election
took place.
jee Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem .
• 192
Christian 1,562
Total ...1,385
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem ... 5
Christian ... 129
Total... 134
Moslem ..
Christian ... 739
i-oreminjf _>»iv.
(N'arue-i of, and Mode ot appointment.;
Appointed by the Governor under
* sec. 4 of Law 16 of 193*4.
Themisc-cles N. Dervis, O.B.E.. Mayor
Theofanis Ph. loannides. Deputy Mayor
Ioannis Shiukuroglou
Ioannis M. Skoufarides
Ioakira Haralambons
Polyvio-s N. Gregoriades
Costas St. Theodossiades
George Poulias
)• Councillors.
Fuad Assaf
Ahmed Rassim Hamdi
Mehmed Rustem
Mehmed Izzet Assim
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Erato-thenis Ierides. Mayor.
Michael Loizides, Deputy Mayor.
Evagoras Tofarides
Iacovos Michaelides
Lambris Ktori _*allour:
Nicolas Yianni Haji \ Councillors.
Yorgi Leptou
Pancetis Constantinou
Andreas Antoniades