• 2 2
C U S T O M S DUTIES—continued.
T A B L E O F I M P O R T DUTIES'—-continued.
Description of Goods
Rate of Import Duty
Preferential j
Tariff !
62 Leather:
(a) Dressed
(6) Sole
63 Leather goods
64 Linen manufactures and linen
piece goods
65 ' Linoleum and oilcloth
66 Macaroni and vermicelli
67 Matches:
(a) For every gross of boxes
ofmatches not exceeding
10,000 matches .. ..
. (6) For every gross of boxes
of matches exceeding
10,000 matches; for
10,000 matches and so
in proportion ..
Material intended for use in
rendering cement or concrete
Medicines, not otherwise speci–
fied .. .. ... :-. ..
______ preserved '•'.;• •'..'' '•'.'.'•
Motor cars, motor cycles, and
parts thereof - -'-.. :'. -':!
Musical instruments, not other–
wise specified .. .. '..
,. ..
(1) Edible
(2) N o t edible: -
(a) Benzine, petrol or
motor spirit ..
(6) Kerosene
(c) Linseed
\d) Lubricating .. ..
(e) Other, not otherwise
specified ..
75 j Paints, varnishes and colours
(excluding Artists' colours)
not otherwise specified
76 Peas, roasted or otherwise "'
77 Perf-meryandperf-medspirits,
cosmetics, hair oil, hair dyes
and wash, ~ pomades and
; toilet powder .. .". '..
78 j Perambulators .. .. '..
79 j Photographic cameras, unde–
velopedfilmsand paper
80 Pianos .. '.
81 Playing cards ..
82 Provisions, tinned, bottled,
smoked, dried," etc., not
otherwise specified ..
83 Pulley blocks and chain lifting
apparatus ..
84 Rice .. ••..• '."•: .. "I." ..
85 Rubber manufactures, not
otherwise specified _*. :'.
86 Safes
87 Sal-ammoniac
88 Salt
89 Sesame .-."• '•-.'-. ..-.. :.
90 Silk (inclusive of artificial silk)
goods and piece goods, not
otherwise specified
91 Silver and silver manufactures,
not otherwise specified
92 S o a p : : - .:*./*
i]a) C o m m o n ".." v.
(6) Perfumed or toilet
£ -. p.
ad valorem 16$ per cent.
ad valorem 13$ per cent.
ad valorem 12 per cent.
! ad valorem ' 16 per cent.
, ad valorem 16 per cent. J
per oke - - Of i
£ -. p.
25 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
24 per cent.
24 per cent.
Law No. 31 of 1936,
3ecs. 33 and 36.
- 2 6 ! - 4 0
- 2 6
ad valorem \ 10 per cent.
ad valorem 7 per cent.
per oke j - , - , , 1 .,
ad valorem 10 per cent.
ad valorem j 12 per cent.
per cwt.
perlOO okes
! i
'per4 gaUons
per4 gallons
.perlOO okes
perlOO okes
per oke '".
- - ' 2 $
- - 4
- 14 0
- 8 0
-18 3
- - 0$
ad valorem * 20 per cent.
ad valorem' 16 per cent.
ad valorem 16 per cent.
each - ! 6 13 3
per pack ;"'-'- 7$
ad valorem] 12 per cent.
ad valorem 16 per cent.
iperlOOokes - 1 0
j ad valorem 16 per cent.
ad valorem 16 per cent.
jperlOOokes - 1 0 0
f per oke |. - - 3
•perlOOokes - 4. 2
! ad valorem' .25 per cent.
) •
. ,
- s
. [ad valorem • 16 per cent.
! per oke ; - - 1 H
' ad valorem 10$ per cent.
15 per cent.
12 per cent.
30 per cent. "
20 per cent.'".
- - 3
- 12 0
- 3 4$
. - - 4$
1 1 0
- 12 0
- 12 0
1 2 0
- - 0J
30 per cent.
24 per cent.
24 per cent.
10 0 0
- 1 2
18 per cent.
24 per cent.
24 per cent. .
24 per cent. '
- 12 2
*• - _* 4
- 5 0
35 per cent.
24 per cent.
- - 4
30 per cent.
La-sr Ko. a of 1956. twc.
33. and OrderinCouscil-to.
- 171? of 5th Dec, 1-36. pub. in
Gnz. Xo. _553 of llth Dec-