At owner's risk. • At Railway risk
Poultry, in hampers or crates Half luggage rates -with a , ^
* ^
minimum charge of 4^cp. i
Birds, other than poultry, in Double luggage rates by)
weight with a minimum * Cannot be transported.
charge of 1*.
Animals intended for export are transported from Nicosia to Famagusta town or harbour
at owner's risk at the foUowing rates :—
I animal .. . . . . .. .. .. lcp. per mile.
2, 3, 4 animals .. .. .--•.*>•, ..-,;.. 30 paras per head per mile.
5 animals and over ... . . . . . . .. ..25 paras do. •
The liability of the R a U w a y for animals carried thereon can in no case exceed :—
In the case of horses and mules *"' '
£10 per head.. . ..".-.'..
asses, oxen, cows and calves .. '*.'.' £3 per head.
pigs ..
.. .. 10*. per head.
sheep, goats and dogs
3s. per head.
unless the consignor has declared their value at the time of consignment to be higher
and paid 2 icp. per cent, upon the excess value so declared as compensation for the
increased risk.
Rates for the transport of vehicles, etc.:—
At owner's risk. At Railway risk.
; Carriages 4-wheeled .. 1*. per mile .. la. 4-kp. per mile
» J >i
2-wheeled .. 6cp. „ .. 1*. per mUe.
| Carts .. 4-wheeled .. 4cp. „ .. 6cp. „
( „
2-wheeled .. 2cp. „ .. 4cp. „
Motor cars, lorries and motor
cycles with side-cars attached,
by special arrangement .. 2Jcp. per ton per mile Is. per ton per mUe.
Bicycles, tricycles and peram- Luggage rates by weight subject
bulators on wheels, unpacked to a minimum -weight of:
bicycles 16 okes
tricycles 24 okes
\ Double these rates..
lators 24 okes
and a minimum charge of -i-Vcp.
Sewing machines .. .. Luggage_ rates by weight with j ^
a minimum charge ot is. \
The liability of the R a U w a y for the loss, destruction or deterioration of traction
engines, motor cars and other vehicles delivered into the custody of a RaUway clerk
or Station Master to be carried on the RaUway and in respect of which a written
acknowledgment of the receipt by the RaUway Administration has been obtained does
not extend to the payment, in respect of anyone vehicle, of any
sum in excess of the
following amounts :—
In the case of a motor car of a kind not otherwise specifically
referred to in the R a U w a y Regulations .. .. .. £20
In the case of a coach, carriage, ghari or omnibus .. .. £5
In the case of a motor-bicycle or motor-tricycle .. .. £5
In the case of any other vehicle .. .. ..
except where the person delivering or causing delivery of a vehicle into the custody of
a R a U w a y clerk or Station Master declared it in writing or caused it to be declared in
writing, at the time of such delivery, to be of a value in excess of the above amounts
and paid by way of compensation for increased risk 2 per cent, upon the excess value so
AU detachable accessories should be removed by the owners as the RaUway accepts
no liability therefor.
Rates for the transport of goods, etc.:—
The standard weight for goods is the ton of 800 okes and decimals of that weight;
any consignment of less than 8 okes in weight is regarded as a parcel and charged
For the purposes of Railway charges goods are divided into several classes as shown
in the First Schedule to the Railway Regulations, 1934 (Gazette No. 2352 of 12.3.34).
Goods of different classes packed together are charged at the rate for the highest
class to which any of them belong.
(a). Loading and,unloading to be done by owners.