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Affidavit or solemn declaration in writing not otherwise by L a w or Rules •__!•_ £,.,». cp. -,-. La-*No. 31 ot 1923,
of Court provided for
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:-..•• «n-»nded by U w
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Agreement or M e m o r a n d u m of Agreement and all documents embodying any agree-
,-,-*La**-*.'tfo. 31. of i9jj
m e n t a n d stipulating a n y fixed s u m , not otherwiaei chargeable-•>>.• -n :}*>rjn*xr.!. :.•-:•:•;•'*-•
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T A B O T O F P R O P O R T I O N A L S T A M P D T T U E S .
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For S u m s of
I to-'iif.-j 12-»-.d -'d ••-»•* v.-'.) -; vr-.o <-»ra v.-v. r,j 0*. iO rirniib :o -*oi -u-:*a*
For S u m s above 12 „ 25 . . - . . * .".*'.. 0 0..2 .. .. . _•_..„
f> 25 0 „ , . 40 ........ 00:^.n^J~-*iel :0 b 0cr3n mua )d.t •**•«•?" .if
0 40 O . r . . 60 .... .... .... . . . . 0 0 . 4 $ ae-wo-wd-h, ul
0 60 o . » . . 80 .. .... .... .... ....0 0..6 .. .. .,,,
80 „ 100
0 hi On.
/. \>J ™t:...;-.•:.-«.•*•«•*
100 „ (i-.aih- 160» v'.-a :•*..•:*i "}'-••-»•••."•»-:••-.•«•*« v-MoisQo ln*4i;--a
i-rioo.;-: iv:*? ?--.T
0-^50 0 >--.. 200 .. .... Gil lo *-.*)Ufx l*.ii.u-_- 0u^2'u.(X!»t»ox3 .ton rtivcr/iwr
.j200 0 „ .. 300 .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ..0 3 . 0 I,-::-*
T V - . * . . * V , V 1 0
300 „ • 400 .. . . . . , . - . . 0 4 0
400 „ 500 .. . . . . . . 0 5 0
500 „ " 750* •'•'-' .. ..••
-.-.- ..
0 7--4fr
750 „ 1,000- ^ . . . . . .. ..*' 0 10 0
1,000 „• 1,500
• . . . . . . ' . . 0 15 0
1,500 „ 2,000
'-•- .•.•*•'—1 0 0
2,000 • „ • • 3,000 • - .."• '•'• ':•:••• •- v.
- • ..-••?.io o
3,000 „ 4,000 .. .. ... .1.. 2 0 0
4,000 ,. .,5,000,;,, .;•;• ... . •..- ..-*• ;
.--..: 2 10 0
5,000 „ . • 7,500. ...... . . »...;• 3 15 0
7,500 „ 10,000 .. .. ..,:..': 5 0 0
10.000 „ ,15,000 •., ;;: : ... . .... .. _ -....., 7 10 0
15,000 „ 20,000 . .. .. .. .. .... 10 0 0
20,000 „ 30,000
15 0 0
30,000 „ 40,000 . ... . ... .. .. 20 0 0
40,000 ,,50,000 ...... . . . . ...25 0 0
and so on adding 10/- duty on every £1,000 or part of £1.000.
Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement and ail documents embodying - • .
any agreement in which no fixed sum is stipulated, not otherwise -
0 3 0
A g r e e m e n t for the hire of a n y labourer, artificer, manufacturer, or
menial servant.
Agreement relating to the w a g e s of a n y s e a m a n o n board of a n y vessel
using the Ports of Cyprus.
A g r e e m e n t relating to the sale or purchase of a n y goods, wares, or
Attorney, Letter or P o w e r o f — S e e P o w e r of Attorney.
Bill of E x c h a n g e . Payable o n d e m a n d or wi'.hin three days after date or
at sight
.. O 0 1
-Bill of Exchange of any other kind whatsoever and Bonds and Promissory
sec. 2.
Notes -and herein shall be included I.O.U.'s and other acknowledgments
of indebtedness) drawn or expressed to be payable or actually paid or
endorsed or in any manner negotiated within Cyprus :
As for an Agreement.
Bills of Lading issued in Cyprus. Eich signed copy
0 0 44
•Charter Party :
O n every Charter Party
0 5 0
Cheque—(See Bill of Exchange).
-Contract—(See Agreement).
-Customs :
Ships Report of Cargo—foreign
Ships Report of Ballast—foreign
So. Sl o£ 192S,
Ships Report of Cargo—coastwise
Ships Export Manifest
Specification for G o o d s Exported
Delivery Order; to C u s t o m s
C u s t o m deposits
Survey of d a m a g e d goods. O n the value of the merchandise as"assessed
after survey:
. "; •_ _ __
.- _
A s for an Agreement.
* A s for an Agreement."'"" * =->--•.-. --••-<•
-•-'-- Y;_'
X e a s e or Agreement for a Lease. O n the total a m o u n t payable under •he
Lease or Agreement for a Lease :
•As for an Agreement.
Xetter of Attorney—(See P o w e r of Attorney).
0 1 0
0 0 41
0 0 44,
0 5 0
0 0 2
0 0 1
0 0 2