V. How are the prisoners classified •
(a) Prisoners before trial.
(6) Debtors.
(c) Appellants.
(d) Convicted prisoners, who are sub-*dhrided into 4
classes according to their sentences.
• L Is psnal laboor—thsfc i«. labour by t*ree*ds_ill,
orank. or shot drill—-in fore* '
VII If so, daring what periods of imprisonments,
in respect of what classes of prisoners, and during how
m*ny hours, is such penal labour enforced? Iu
stating hoars of tresdwheel labour, give,first,the total
timeTu and off at the wheel, ete. *, secondly, the length
of spells and intervals of rest.
See answer to question No. VT.
Vni. What kind of labour, other than penal labour,
ia in use
Shoe-making, tailoring, carpentering, baking,
cooking, washing, masonry*, weaving, stocking-making,
white-washing, cleaning, road-making, stone-breaking,
carpet-making, farming.
IX. If the prisoners are employed beyond the walls
of the gaol, state—
1. On what kind of work they are so employed 1
Cultivating Prison Farm: building *, convicts are
emploved on conservancy, fetching stone for stone-
breakine, cleaning Police barracks, public garden,
cleaning and watering Government plantations and
trees, cleaning Government Oftices, etc.
A temporary Reformatory Prison was established at
Athalassa Farm on the 16th April, 1920, where juve–
nile convicts are employed on husbandry and other
farm works. This has been converted into a Juvenile
Convict Settlement.
2. H o w are they supervised .
Bv prison warders and escorts of Police, and in some
cases bv convict guards.
3. How many escapes of S ^ ^ ^ J S
ployed beyond the gaol, have taken ptaoe auru-g
of the last three years .
In 1932, none.
In 1933, none.
In 1934. two.
In 1935, one from Famagusta Prison *, three fron
Athalassa Reformatory Prison; one from Centra
Prison; all recaptured.