Orderin Counoil No.
in Gam. No.
29th June, 1908.
(Ii). Gunpowder, Bail Cartridges, Dynamite, Nitroglycerine,. Gun-cotton,. Blasting* *}
powder, Fulminate of Mercury or other metals, and every other substance or prepara–
tion used or manufactured for explosive or pyrotechnic purposes. Fog signals, Rockets,
Fireworks, Fuzes, Detonators and Ammunition of ail descriptions, including empty
ball cartridge cases, may be imported at the Port of Famagusta by such person or '. ^ * ^
persons as may be authorised in that behalf by special permission of the Governor' s6&ot29\
given under the hand of the Colonial Secretary and subject to such limitations
as to quantity as the Governor m a y seefitto impose; and upon such importation
the said articles shall be landed at snch place and in snch manner as the Commissioner
'.'.- and Principal Officer of Customs of the District of Famagnsta shall appoint (<*),(&).
. (iii). Dynamite and other explosive substances may be imported at the Port T '
^ r , © r Lefka, b y euoh person or persons as m a y b e anthorired ia tha* b e h a ^ ^ r ^ - w ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ r - w ™ * *
""H' spe<riai pormission of- the- G o v c m u i given under the haneHrf
Secretary and subject to snch limitations as to quantity or otherwise as the ?-i225 pcb. in Go*. No.
Governor m a y see St to impose ; and upon such importation the said articles
shall be landed at such place and in such manner as the Commissioner and
. Principal Officer of Customs of the District of Nicosia shall appoint (b).
(6). The landing in Cyprus of horns, hoofs, fodder, litter or dung from vessels arriving "
from places where cattle disease has been publicly notified to exist, is prohibited.
(For bones see page 16).
Order in Council No.
(7). The importation of rags and old clothing into any port or place of the Island of f340 pub. iu Gaz. No.
Cyprus, other than Larnaca, is prohibited, and such importation is liable to be
M2 ot U t
March, 19°l-
prohibited in any case in which the Senior Medical Officer or any Officer acting for or
delegated by him certifies that the importation of rags or old clothing is likely to be
injurious to the public health.
importation of hides and skins of all equines, ruminants and *
swine is prohibited except at the Port of Larnaca, and then with the permission of
the Health Officer of the Port to land them, and after disinfection.
1904 of 24th Feb., 1904.
The importation of hides and skins of goats, sheep, and similar small ruminants,
and swine is prohibited except at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi, Famagusta and \.™jjjf
0f th
Kyrenia, and with the permission of the Health Officer of the Port to land them, and
after disinfection.
Order of High Com-
—issioner of tbe 24th
>Dec. 1924. published
in GazetU No. 1568 ot
2nd January, 1925.
A certificate by the Health Officer of the Port that the disinfection has been
accomplished must be presented to the Customs Authorities before the removal of
the hides and skins from the place aet aside for their disinfection is allowed.
The importation into the Island of old or used clothes for the purposes of sale or
commerce is absolutely prohibited.
Tbe importation of saccharine is prohibited except in small quantities not exceeding 2 lbs.
and then oniy with che permission of the Senior Medical* Officer previously obtained in writing.
The importation of indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, '*ards, litho–
graphic or other engravings, or any other indecent or obscene articles is prohibited.
Order in Council No.
374 published in GazetU
No. 774 of 30th Novem–
ber. 1903.
Order in Council No
366 published in Gazette
No.'756 of 27th March,.
Order in Council No.
, 390 published in Gaesttr
I No. 814 of .27th January
1905. .
Order in Council No.
380 published in ffos.
The importation of waste or refuse of cotton wool known as " Flock" is absolutely
Order in Council No-
455 published in Gazette-
No. 920 of 29th May
(a) Permission has been given co Nobel's Explosive Compan**, Glasgow, to import and score in two specially constructed Magazine*
North of Famagusta, anj quantity of shore Explosives, not exceeding in weight 30 tons, exclusive of detonators, safety fuse, sporting
cartridges and other accessories such as cables and batteries. (Order of the High Commissioner of 23th August, 1906. C.3. 1873/04, and
Indenture dated 13th April, 1926.)
_V.B.—The Nobel's Explosive Company pay a rental of £6 on 1st August each rear in order to meet expenses in eoaaeetioo with
guarding (Art. 1, Agreement of 18th May, 1905, M.P. 1873/04.)
(ft) The importation into Cyprus of Blasting Powder is prohibited -are nnder licence nnder the hand of the Comptroller of Customa
and Inland Revenue and subject to snch terms and conditions as may be prescribed in such licence (Order in Council No. 1296,
published in GazetU No. 1977 of 12th April, 1929).