• * • - - •
In cases where the •eloeaoa
dove noe rest with the Governor
or where the appointment ie
made under any Instrament,
this should bo stated
Dat* of Appointment
end Dot* of First
Appointment under
the Colonial Go-rern.
& amount
of fees.
if auy.
Whether allowed
House or Qnsiw-
and Allowaasts ft
Rant, Psnoul
Allowance, or bt
any other puipoa
His Excellency the Governor.
Governor and Commander4 Sir Herbert Richmond Palmer,
in-Chief (Appointed by H.M
the King by Commission) (1)
Private Secretary and Aide-
de-Camp (2) .....
Additional Private Secretary
Qerk of the Executive Coun–
cil (3)
9.12.33 9.12.33
K.C.MG., C.B.E. a
Captain Harold Lloyd-Canon ......
Lieut.-Commander Henry Hutchinson]
Robson, R.N. (Retired)
Bryan Justin O'Brien b ...... •
Mustafa Izzet.. ..
Colonial Secretary (4)
Administrative Officer (5) ..
.. ..
.. ..
Chief Clerk (6)
Staff Clerk
Legislation Clerk (7) ..
Turkish Translator and Inter–
preter (8)
21.12.33 .21.12.33
17.10.35 17.10.35
. 26.8.31. .26.3.31
1.8.34 1.3.34
William Denis Battershill c . . . . 15.2.35 15.2.35
Andrew Barkworth Wright, C.B.E.
1.1.35 24.6.22
| Roland Paul Lambert Browne e.. ..j 1.1.35 1.1.24
| Robert Chistopher Stafford Stanley/
26.12.35 26.12.35
i Bryan Justin O'Brien g
j 1.1.35 7.4.27
Geoffrey Martin Greenwood A .. ..! 4.7.35 4.7.35
Costas loannou Stephani i I 1.8.34 1.7.10
Frederick William Sadler ;' .. . .j 27.8.34 27.8.34
Costas loannou Stephani k
! 26.8.31 1.7.10
£ '
3600 0 0
400 0 0
300 0 0
0 0 0
84 0 0
1400 0 0
900 0 0
810 0 0
750 0 0
600 0 0
570 0 0
390> 0 0
350 0 0|
75 0 0
£800 of this W M I C
is Duty AJlowtrs
Officer b o a xtsm.
time Admiojit-ra,
the GoTsmmul
Government Ho-**-
\ Nicosia * TroMc*
Greek Translator and Inter–
Clerk, 1st Grade
Mustafa Midhat
1.7.30 1.7.30 350 0 0
Antonios Constantinou Indianos
Tefkros Cleovoulou Michaelides ..
7.1.29 ; 350 0 0
20.3.07 350 0 0
£75 Personal Allow.
£75 Penonsl Allot
Clerk, 2nd Grade
i Sotirios Charalambou Ierodiakonou ..j 17.6.30
i Haralambos Chappas
i 7.7.32
270 0 0
270 0 0
Clerk, 3rd Grade
I Telemachos Achilleos Constantinides , 3.9.29 4.S.20 ,220 0 0
Costas Kyrou Haralambides
22.1.30 14.11.18 220 0 0
a Has previous service in Xigeria and the Gambia.
b Is also Administrative Officer.
c Is also a member of the Executive Council. Has previous service in Ceylon and Jamaica.
d Performs the duties of Chief Assistant Secretary.
e Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Has previous service in the Western Pacific.
/ Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Has previous service in Nigeria.
g Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Is also Clerk of the Executive Council.
h Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Has previous service in Uganda and Palestine.
i Is also Legislation Clerk.
j Is also Clerk of the Advisory Council. Has previous service in Nigeria.
Ic Is also Chief Clerk, Secretariat.
(1) Mr. W . D. Battershill, Colonial Secretary, acted from 2nd to 6th March and 9th June to 16th October, 1935.
(2) Mr. R. St. J. O. Wayne, Aolministrative Officer, acted from 1st to 6th February and Mr. F. W . Sadler, Staff Cled
from 9th June to 16th October, 1935.
(3) Mr. F. W . Sadler, Staff Qerk, was Clerk of the Executive Council from 18th to 22nd March and Mr. R. P. L. Brown*
Administrative Officer, from 23rd to 24th March and 27th to 31st December, 1935.
(4) Mr. A. B. Wright, CJB-E., M.C., Admi-oistrative Officer, acted from 1st January to 27th February, 2nd to 6th Marc
and 9th June to 16th October, 1935.
(5) Mr. B. J. O'Brien, Administrative Officer, acted from 1st January to 27th February, 2nd to 6th March, 14th to 24t
March and 9th June to 16th October, 1935.
(6) <k (7) Mr. S. Ch. Ierodiakonou, Clerk, 2nd Grade, acted from llth September to 7th October, 1935.
(8) Mehmet Veysi Refet Eff., Clerk, 4th Grade, acted from llth to 15th and 21st to 22nd June andfrom5th to31:
August, 1935.