16th Jan.
29th Jan.
29th Jan.
6th Feb.
Uth Feb. ..
21st Feb.
26th Feb. ..
8th Mar. ..
28th Mar. ..
29th Mar. ..
3rd Apr.
llth Apr.
3rd May
3rd May ..
1Sth May
llth June
Ut July
«.»th July
12th July ..
15th Juiv
30th Julv . .
; 9.-
: 12.
| 13,
2mh Aua.
21st Aus.
22nd Aug.
2nd Sept.
Uth Sept.
19th Sept.
23rd Sept.
10th Oct.
16th Oct.
llth Nov.
Uth Nov.
18th Nov.
28th Nov.
4th Dec.
21st Dec.
23rd Dec.
| 25.
! 26
To amend the Elementary Education Law, 1933
T o amend the Wills and Succession Law, 1895
For the protection of the claims of Ecclesiastical
Corporations to certain kinds of land
T o appropriate a sum not exceeding Seven Hundred and
Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Nine Pounds
to the Service of the Twelve Months ending the Thirty-
First Day of December, in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Five
-To repeal the Cyprus Pensions Order in Council, 1929,
(Amendment) Law, 1932 ..
—To amend the Law as to Port Regulation
—Further to amend the Law relating to Tobacco
—To amend the Village Authorities Laws, 1931 and 1933 ..
— T o ameud the Cyprus Currency Notes Order in Council. 1928
—Further to amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise
and Revenue
— T o restrict Forced Sales of Immovable Property in certain
— T o consolidate and amend the Law relating to the licensing
of hotels ..
—Further to amend the Law relating to the adulteration of
Cyprus produce • •;..
— T o amend the Cyprus Courts of Justice Orders and Law,
1927 and 1934 .'.
— T o make better provision for an excise duty on matches
— T o regulate the use of marble in the manufacture of articles
— T o empower the Governor in Council to alter the duties of
customs leviable on Hour
— T o amend the Wines and Spirits (Sale to Soldiers and
Sailors) Law, 1379
— T o make further provision for the twelve months ended on
the thirty-first day of December. 1934
— T o provide for the licensing ofshepherds
— T o make provision for the enforcement in the Colony of
judgments given in foreign countries which accord
reciprocal treatment to judgments ,'iven in the Colonv
for facilitating the enforcement in foreign countries of
judgments given in the Colony, and for other purposes in
connection with the matters aforesaid
— T o amend the Tree Planting Village Areas Law. 1930
.—Further to amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise
and Revenue ..
.—To amend the Recovery of Compensation for Injury to
Property Laws and to continue them in force until repealed
.—To provide for the better management and control of
Secondary Education ..
— T o consolidate the law relating to the construction of Laws
and to make better provision for the definition and inter–
pretation of certain words and expressions and matters
incidental thereto
.—To amend the Law to establish Fuel Grounds
.—To amend the Cyprus Mines Corporation (Exemption from
Duties of Customs) Law, 1934
.—Further to amend the law relating to Tobacco
.—To make better provision for the Prevention of Crime
.—Further to amend the Law relating to the reduction of the
number ofgoats in Cyprus
. To provide for the guardianship of infants not being heirs
under disability and of prodigals
— T o amend the carob weighing and shipping place
improvement Law, 1924
No. 55 of Feb. 1
No. 60 of Feb. 1
No. 57 of Feb. 1
No. 71 of Feb. •-
No. 76 of Feb. :
No. 31 of Mar. *
No. 38 of Mar. i
No. 110 of Mar.
No. 115 of April
No. 126 of April
No. 164 of May
No. 178 of May
No. 1S7 of May
No. 287 of July
No. 215 of May
No. 269 of June
of July
No. 299 of July
No. 301 of July
No. 377 of Sept.
34.—To amend the Village Authorities Laws, 1931 to 1935 ..
35.—To provide for the management and control of the English
36.—To amend the Cyprus Courts of Justice Orders and Laws,
1927 to 1935 . .".
37.—To make provision for the application in the Colony of the
English law and rules of evidence
No. 340 of Aug
No. 343 of Aug
No. 350 of Aug
No. 359 of Sept
No. 386 of Oct.
No. 413 of Oct
No. 378 of Sep
No. 403 of Oct
No. 402 of Oct
No. 435 of Nov
No. 485 of De<
No. 479 of Der
No. 484 of De.
No. 12 of Jan.
No. 45 of Jan.
No. 105 of Fe
j No. 105 of Fe