Net A m o u n t -i debt.
Qualifications of
Elector* and number
Number of Elector* >
voting at th* lost cou-i
tested Election, giving
nam* of Municipality.
etc, and Ward or Dis–
trict in which Ejection
took place.
Governing Body.
(Karnes of, and Mode of appointment.)
1. Amount of original debt: £160.
Amount repaid: £113 5s. 4cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1935 : £46 14s. 5cp.
To whom due : Mr. D. Severis.
Rate of interest: 8 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose :
24th Nov., 1927. For the purpose of
completing the Municipal offices and
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Councils Law, 1882.
2. Amount of original debt: £100.
Amount repaid : £28 lis. Ocp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1935: £71 9s. Ocp.
To wiiom due : Mr. D . Severis.
Rate of interest : 8 per cent.
W h e n incurred,and for what purpose:
1st Dec, 1929. For the completion
of the Municipal market.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Councils Law, 1882.
See Sec. 5 of
L a w 26 of 1930.
Moslem... 33
Christian ... 269
See Sec. 5 of
Law 26 of 1930.
Christian... 138
N o poll took
place, the
being not in
excesB of the
number of
and Christian-
N o poi I took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Appointed by the Governor under
section 4 ofLaw 16 of1934.
Christoforos Taliadoros, Mayor.
Dionysios Christoforou,.Deputy Mayor
Nicolaos Evangelides
Agathangelos Kyriacou
Demetris Apostolides
Haralambos Haji Haritou
loakim Yancou
I Councillors
Constantinos E. Kata-
Ahmed Yusufa
Appointed by the Governor under
section 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Georghios Haji Gregoriou, Mayor.
Apostolos loannou, Deputy Mayor.
Christakis G. Iordanou
Sofoclis Toffa
Anconis Vaki
Kyriacos Haji Georghiou <
C o m d B m
H a n Demetris Ha]i |,
Christos Christoudias J