Net Amount
of Debt.
2. Amount of original debt: £1,600,
Amount repaid : £391 Os. 3cp.
Amount outstanding on Slst Dec.,
1935 : £1,203 19s. 6cp.
To whom due: Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
26th February, 1932. For the
erection of petroleum stores.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Corporations Law, 1930, aud
the Public Loans Law, 1897.
Qualifications of
Electorsand number
N n m M r of TUeetor*
rettof tt th* laat oon-
Uitad KUciion. firing
nam* ot UonioipaUlt--,
eta, *ad Ward or Die-
trio* ia whioij BleotioQ
took pUo*.
Goreming Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
.: J.
: i
.: -t
.A rt t..i
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Cleantbis C. Cramvis. Mayor.
Geor-jhios Michaelides, Deputy Mayor.
Soteris K. Mylonas *|
Haji Michael G. Ka- I
Christodoulos Haji Petri y Councillors.
Pantelis M. Petrides
Michael Pieris
Nicolas Haji Savva J
Amoant of original debt: £4,000. {
Amount repaid : £584 7s. 6cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec., '
1935 : £3,415 12s. 3cp.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners. I
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose: .
26th February, 1932. For the re–
payment in a lumD sum of a previous
loan of £4.000.
Provision for payment of interest or j
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni- •
cipal Corporations Law, 1930, and '
the Public Loans Law, 1397.
Amount of original debt: £5,800.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstauding on 31st Dec,
193.'»: £5,800.
To whom due : Bank of Cyprus, Ltd.
Rate of interest: 6 per cent.
When incurred,and fur witet purpose :
27th October, 1934. For erection of
Municipal Market and Offices.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of tbe j
Municipal Corporation. The Muni- j
cipal Corporations Laws. 19:50 & 1934.1
Amount of original debt: £500.
Amounc repaid: £219 12s. 8cp.
Amount outstanding ou 31st Dec.
1935 : £280 7s. lcp.
To whom due : Loan Commismoners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
17th March, 1930. For the con–
struction of Municipal Market,
Meat Market, Municipal Offices and
other buildings for similar purposes.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund aud Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Councils Law, 1882. and the
Public Loans Law. 1897.
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Christian ...329