Set A m o u n t of Debt.
Qualification* of
Number of Elector* I
voting at the lurt con- j
tested Election, giving
Electors and number) nam of Mun cipality.
i reeistered. •«-•• *
ad w
r D
trict ia which Section
took place.
Got-eraing body.
(Names of, and Mode of ap-iointment.)
2. Amount of original debt: £5,000. |
Amount repaid : £625.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec, j
1935 : £4.375.
T o w h o m due : The People's Bank,
Limassoi, Ltd.
Rate of interest: 6 per cent.
Whe n incurred, aud forwliat purpose:
10th October, 1932. For the com–
pletion and improvement of the
existing Municipal Market, the
erection and establishment of a
second Municipal Market, and the
acquisition and demolition of
certain buildings for the improve–
ment of the sea front.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Law, 1930.
3. Amouut of original debt: £6,000.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec..
1935 : £6,000.
To whom due : The People's Bank,
Limassoi, Ltd.
Rate of interest: 6 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose:
21st September, 1934. For pur–
chasing and laying down water
pipes for the purpose of supplying
water to various places in the town
of Limassoi, for purchasing asphalt
for the purpose of improving muni–
cipal streets, for the erection of a
sufficient number of public latrines
and urinals, for the erection of
buildings to be used as offices,
stores, etc., by the Municipal Cor–
poration and for che construction
of a quay wall.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Law, 1930.
." Amount of original debt: £2,500.
Amouut repaid: £640 3s. ocp.
Amount outstanding ou
ec., Moslem
1935: £1,359 16s. 4cp.
T o whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose:
29th Dec, 1930. For improving
local sanitation ;uid the towu water
Provisiou for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Corporations Liw, 19:',U, and
the Public Loans Law, 1897.
See Sec. 5 of L a w
I 26 of 1930.
Appointed by the Governor under
sec. 4 of Law 16 of 1934.
Georghios S. Emphiedjis, Mayor.
Michalakis J. Louizides, Deputy Mayor
Haji Georghos Haji"
Hussein Djahid
Mehmed Zekia
Panayotis loannou
Nicolas Santis
Morphis Michael
Georghios Kounnas