S«-t A m o u n t
of Uelit.
i N u m b e r of Elector!'
Qualification!* of jvotin-* at t ha taut con-1
Electors and number ^"tXiZ^l??'
name of Mtinn ipaluy.
Amount of original debt : £210.
Amount repaid : £:)i 4s. ocp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1934 : £17.5 I5s. 4cp.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest : 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose
21st May, 1932. For the improve–
ment of tha water supply of Kythrea.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Law, 1930, and the
Public Loans Law, 1897.
. Amount of original debt : £2,800.
Amount repaid : £1,230 Is. ocp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec., j
19.14 : £1,369 ISs. 4cp.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners. .
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose: I
17th Dec, 1928. Forthe purchase of
an electric light engine and dynamo,,
and for building the necessary pre- '
mises therefor.
Provision for payment of interest or i
sinking fund and Laws by which it is '
made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal |
Councils Law, 1582, and the Public :
Loans Law, 1S97.
See Sec. ') of Law
26 of 1930.
Christian ... 338
See Sec 5 of L a w
26 of 1930.
Moslem ... 258
Christian 686
etc.. and Word or Oil
tnot in which Election
took place.
Christian... 427
Moslem :
N o poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
of, and Hod-- A ..pp...:itui.-:if.)
Christos N. Katumis. Miiym:
Kyriacos A. Kaloyiros, Deputy Mayor.
E7*jlthon lacovides
Petros Haji Louka
Michael K. Makri
Antonios G. Akathiotis
Costas N. Kyriakides
Athaoassi Kyriakou
Georghios P. Aradipiotis. Mayor.
George S. Vassi Hades. Deputy Mayor.
Michael Baldasserides
D. N. Demetriou, O.B.E.
Stelios II. Tsolakides
Milt. Cb. Manzipas
Selim Said Kanaan
Nicolas Karisimos
M . 1)jelal SheHk
Mehmet Subbi Kenaan
Amount of original debt : £1,200.
Amount repaid : £217 3s. 4cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.
19*14: £982 16s. ' Sep.
T o w h o m due : Mr. G. X. Dimitriou.
Rate of interest : 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose:
31st August, 1933. For the purchase
of a motor roller, the erection of a
slaujrhter-honse and stables, and
repairs to buildings.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Corporations Law, 1930.