ataC* rroTiiion tot
Payment of Interest
or Smiting Fund.
nnd ref'-r to Knin-truent-i
br -»hic-h it n matte
I'oUl Amount
paid into
Sinking Fund
W I L T I u\curr.-«l
and :or what
The Sinking The loan was raised
Fund does not in London by the issue
come into opera- of £615,000 Cyprus
tion until 1935. Government 4 % In–
scribed Stock 1956/66,
the net proceeds being
£571,710 4.s. Id.
br which it n matte
Reconstruction of
Experimental Farm
(Preliminary expenses
and purchase of land).
Improvement of Fama–
gusta Harbour.
Repayment to the
Imperial Treasury of
the balances due in
respect of loans for
Irrigation works,
Harbour and
Interest aud Sinking
Fund payable from
the General Revenue
and Assets of the
The General Loan
and Inscribed Stock
Law, No. 20 of 1930.