G E N E R A L REGULATIONS.—continued.
4. There shall not be posted, or conveyed or delivered by post any postal p'icket—
(1) Consisting of or containing any indecent or obscene print, painting,
photograph, lithograph, engraving, book or card, or an indecent or obscene article,
whether similar to the above or not;
(2) Having thereon or on the cover thereof any words, marks, or deaigrw of au
indecent, obscene, or grossly offensive character; or
(3) Consisting of or containing—
(a) A n y explosive or inflammable substance,
(6) A n y dangerous substance,
(c) A n yfilthysubstance,
(d) A n y noxious or deleterious substance,
(e) A n y sharp instrument not properly protected,
(/) A n y living creature other than those mentioned in Clause 3 hereof,
(g) A n y article or thing whatsoever which is likely to injure other postal
packets in course of conveyance, or any receptacle in which the ->ame are
conveyed, or an Officer of the Post Offioe or other person w h o m a y deal with
such packet; or
(4) Containing or bearing any fictitious postage stamp; or
(5) Purporting to be prepaid with any stamp which has been previously used to
prepay any other postal packet or any other revenue duty or tax ; or
(6) Having thereon or on the cover thereof any words, letters, or marks (used
without due authority) which signify, or imply, or m a y reasonably iead the recipient
thereof to believe that the postal packet is sent on His Majesty's Service ; or
(7) Consisting of or containing samples sent in quantities with the intention of
avoiding the payment of Customs duty; or
(8) Consisting of or containing rwo or more postal packets (of che .-.ame or of
different description) addressed to different persons at different addresses ; or
(9) Consisting of or containing any article prohibited or subject to restrictions
under import regulations in the country of destination.
Notification No. 1392*
published in Gazette
Xo. 24L6 of 31stDec