Countries to which Imports and Exports are credited.
I*MPORTS—Countries of origin.
EXPORTS—Countries of final destination.
Valuation for statistical purposes.
The value of the Imports represents the cost, insurance and freight, and is known as the
c.i.f." value.
The value of the Exports and Ee-exports represents the cost and the charges of delivering
the goods on board the ship, and is known as the " f.o.b." value.
Parcel post. Goods consigned by parcel post are included in the general trade returns with other
goods of similar description.
Yards. Yards for textiles are linear yards.
Gallons. Gallons throughout these tables are liquid gallons.
Tons. Tons throughout these tables are long tons.
Feet. Feet for cinema films are linear feet.
Oke. A n oke is equal to 2.8 tb.