In i-is>'.s whore th* selection
does not reat with the Governor
or where the appointment is
made under any Instrument.,
this ihould be -tated
Date of Appointment Annual
and Date of First Salary
Appointment under , Jc amount
the Colonial Govern- of fees.
if any.
Whether allowed a
House or Quarters
and Allowances for
Rent. Personal
Allowance, or for
any othor purpose.
His Excellency the Governor.
Governor and Commander- Sir Herbert Richmond Palmer, 9.12.33 9.12.3.'!
in-Chief (Appointed by H.M.
K.C.M.G., C.B.E. a
the Kin
' bv Commission)
£ s.cp.
3G00 0 0
Private Secretary and Aide-
Clerk of the Executive Coun–
cil (1)
Cavass (2).
Captain Harold Lloyd-Carson
Bryan Justin O'Brien 6
Mustafa Izzet
21.12.33 21.12.33
26.8.31 26.8.31
1.8.34 1.8.34
£600 of thia amount
ia Duty Allowance
and ia payable to the
Officer from time to
time Adminiatering
the Government. ,
Government Houses,
Nicosia A Troodos.
Colonial Secretary III) ..:
Administrative Officer (4) ..!
.. ..'
.. ..:
.. . .j
Chief Clerk (5, !
Staff Clerk
Legislation Clerk
Turkish Translator and Inter–
preter (6)
Greek Translator and Inter–
Clerk, 1st Graio
Clerk, 2nd Grade
Clerk, 3rd Grade
Herbert Henniker-Heaton, C.M.G. c .., 20.9.20 20.9.29
Andrew Barkworth Wright, C.B.E.!
M.C. ti
| 1.1.35 24.6.22
Bryun Justin O'Brien e
Richard St. John Ormerod Wayne /
Roland Paul Lambert Browne g '
Costas loannou Stephani h..
Frederick William Sadler i
Costas loannou Stephani j ..
Mustafa Midhat
1.1.35 7.4.27
1.1.35 18.5.27
1.1.35 1.1.24
1.8.34 1.7.10
27.8.34 27.8.34
350 0 0
30 0 0
78 0 0
1400 0 0
700 0 0
520 0 0
520 0 0
750 0 0
370 0 0
320 0 0
75 0 0
1.7.30 340 0 0 £75 Pereonal Allow-
Antonios Constantinou Indianos
Tefkros Cleovoulou MichaeUdes .
7.1.29 ! 350 0 0 i'5 Personal Allow.
' ance.
7.11.29 20.8.07 ; 350 0 0
Sotirios Charalambou Ierodiakonou ..j 17.6.30 1.7.14 ; 270 0 0 !
Haralambos Chappas
j 7.7.32 30.1.13 j 260 0 0 ;
Telernachos Achilleos Constantinides
Costas Kvrou Haralambides ..
3.9.29 4.8.20 ] 220 0 0
22.1.30 14.11.1S 220 0 0
a Has previous service in Nigeria and the Gambia.
6 Is also Administrative Officer.
c Is also a member of the Executive Council. Has previous service hi Fiji, Mauritius, the Gambia, Falkland Islands and
d Performs the duties of Chief Assistant Secretary.
e Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Is also Clerk of the Executive Council.
/ Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary.
IJ Performs the duties of Assistant Secretary. Has previous service in the Western Pacific.
h Is also Legislation Clerk.
i Is also Clerk of the Advisory Council. Has previous service in Xigeria.
; Is also Chief Clerk, Secretariat.
(1) Mr. R. St. J. O. Wayne, Administrative Officer, was Clerk of the Executive Council from 28th M a y to 3rd June, 1934.
(2) Nafiz Ali Osman Eff., Police Constable, 1st class, acted from 21st May to 30th June, 1934.
(3) Mr. A. B. Wright, C.B.E., M.C, Administrative Officer, acted from 10th to 14th March and 4th November to 31st
December, 19&4.
(4) Mr. B. J. O'Brien, Administrative Officer, acted from 10th to Uth March, 7th to 13th June and 29th August to
3lst December, 1934.
(5) Mr. C. I. Stephani, then Clerk, 1st Grade, acted from 16th to 19th June, 1934.
(6) Mehmet Veysi Refet Eff.. Clerk, 4th Grade, acted from 13th October to 9th November, 1934.