IMPORT DUTIES—continual.
Al TIlKltlTV.
TAUI.K of EXKMITIOV.S—continued.
DO. L-'ue. i.arneii ou board an aircraft entering Cyprus aud po.*-sessing the nationahty
of auy of the Mates in which lhe Convention relating to the regulation of aerial navigation
made on the 13th October, 11)10, is for the time being in force : Provided that the quantity
of such fuel uoi> not exceed that needed for the journey of such aircraft as defined hi the
lo<i book thereof.
s«;c. 3.
2'J of 1934,
07. The following goods or materials of British Empire origin imported by the Cyprus
Mines Corporation between the 10th September, 11)33, and 31st December, 1034, and
certified to be solely required for use by the Corporation for its mining or ore treating
operations or in connection with the mill and power plant buildings, shops, warehouses,
tanks and engineering structures belonging to the Corporation :—
Fabricated structural steel with bolts, nuts and rivets ready for erection.
Corrugated iron sheets, galvanized or ungalvanized, and fittings for attachment.
Steel sash and steel doors.
Reinforcing steel bars.
Punched steel plates ready for assembling into tanks.
Corrugated asbestos or composition sheets and fittings for attachment.
'.)S. The following goods or materials imported by the Cyprus Mines Corporation
between the i.-.t January, 11)34, ami 31st December, 11)43, and certified to be solely required
for use by the Corporation for its mining or ore treating operations or in connection with
the mill and power plant buildings, shops, warehouses, tanks and engineering structures
belonging to the Corporation :—
Flotation reagents comprising chemicals, oils, and other substances for use in the
notation process of ore concentration.
Iron or -teel or alloy balls, wearing plates, mantles, liners iu all shapes, roll shells and
discs, for use in ore crushing machinery or ore grinding mills.
Scrap iron aud steel, loose, baled or compressed, and pig iron, for use in the
precipitation of copper from solutions.
(.rude prtroieum. fuel or furnace oil, gas oil or diesel od.
Law Xo. 32 of 1934,
sees. 3 and 4.
'"). Tin- :..i'i;wini£ -roods or materials of British Empire origin imported by the Cyprus
Mines Corporation net ween the Ist January, 1034, and 31st December, 1043, and certitied
to bi- solelv required tor u.-e by the Corporation for its mining or ore treating operations or
in connection ".;*h the mill and power plant buildings, shops, warehouses, tanks and
engineering >truc:i:res belonging to the Corporation :—
Lubricatinj: ''ii- imported in bulk and not intended for distribution or re-sale.
A.*-be--t•••- • •-.- composition sheeting in rolls to be used for flooring under mineral heaps.
Expanded metal and steel to be used in stopping operations.
Any ot :h*--r- -roods or materials which are of non-British Empire origin should, on
importation, p . v •r.H'-sixth of the full duties of Customs for the time being hi force.
lUO. ('iu..-!!u.:oir.iphrilmsdepicting news, if the Comptroller of Customs and Inland
Revenue i.- -ati-tie-l that they are of British Empire origin.
101. Be<i.-->-a>Ls and wire mattresses, bath.-- and basins, sanitary apparatus, electric
light installation--, blankets, linen, cutlery and glass forming the tirst equipment of a hotel,
upon proof to tne satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue that the
followin-z conditions have been complied with :—[a) That every article is to be kept and
used in a hotel for the construction of which a sum of not less than ten thousand pounds-
has been or is to be expended. (6) That everv* article is marked with the name of the hotel
and/or with the name of the proprietor of the hotel, (c) That every article is of British
oriffin or manufacture, (d) That the proprietor of the hotel enters, at the time of
importation, into a bond in such fomi and secured in such manner as the Comptroller of
Customs and Inland Revenue may prescribe and require, conditioned that, if at any time
any such article which has been imported free from duties of Customs is sold to any person
or is found in the possession of any person other than the proprietor of the hotel, such
proprietor shall in respect of such article pay forthwith the duties of Customs which would
have been payable thereon at the time of importation.
Law Xo. 36 of 1934,
sec. 3.
Order in Council Xo.
1591 of 28th July. 1934.
pub. in Gaz.
of 3rd Augu -.