N-r. Amount of d.'hr.
1. Amount oi original debt : £1,800.
Amount repaid : £678 3s. 8cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
193-1 : £1,121 16s. lcp.
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per ceut.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
28th January, 1927. For the instal–
lation of electric light in the town.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made: General Revenue of
the Municipal Corporation. The
Public Loans Law, 1897, and the
Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
2. Amount of original debt : £1,500.
Amount repaid: £250 12s. 8cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1934 : £1,249 7s. lcp.
T o w h o m due: Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
29th October, 1929. For building
hot and cold sea-baths, a bridge,
latrines, a daughter house, a teunis
court and also for the distribution of
the Boghaz water and generally for
the improvement of the town.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund aud Laws by which it
is made: General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Public
Loans Law, 1897, and the Municipal
Councils Law, 1882.
Amount of original debt : £900.
Amount repaid : £38 13s. 3cp.
Amount outstauding on 31st Dec,
1934 : £861 6s. 6cp.
To w h o m due: Bank of Cyprus,
Rate of interest: 6 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
14th July, 1933. For the purchase
of a new electric engine.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinkiug fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of the
Municipal Corporation. The Muni–
cipal Corporations Law, 1930.
Qualifications of
Electors and number!
Number of Electors I
voting at tbe lam con-|
tested Election, tnvinid
name of Municipality,!
etc.. and Ward or On- j
trict in which Election
took place. |
Sir Sec ;") of Law
2'5 of 1930.
Xo poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
numher of
Moslem and
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
Uharils'o.i D. Demetriades, Mayor.
S. K. Haralambides, Deputy Mayor.
iS. Christis
Savas Haralambous
D. Carolides
, j
Costas Kazinieris
y Councillors.
Ahmed Kel Ibrahim
Tahir Vehbi Haji Ahmed
Ibrahim Haji Mustafa