On the insertion of a notice in the Cyprus Gazette
On the insertion of a notice in a local paper in addition to the amount
actually paid
On application being made for the approval of a composition, a fee
computed at the following rates on the gross amount of the composition-
On thefirst£1,000 or fraction thereof, per cent.
On the next £1,500 or fraction thereof, per cent.
On all further sums, per cent.
Where a fee has been taken on the occasion of a previous application
for the approval of a composition, only two-fifths of the fee chargeable under
this item are taken in respect of a subsequent application for approval of
a composition.
On application being made for the approval of a scheme of arrangement
a fee computed at the following rates on the gross amount of the
estimated assets (but not exceeding the gross amount of the unsecured
liabilities), viz :—
On thefirst£1,000 or fraction thereof, per cent
On the next £1,500 or fraction thereof, per cent.
On all further sums, per cent.
Where a fee has been taken on the occasion of a previous application
for the approval of a scheme, only two-fifths of the fee chargeable under this
item are taken in respect of a subsequent application for the approval of
a scheme.
On the net assets realized or brought to credit after deducting any
sums paid to secured creditors in respect of their securities:—
On thefirst£1,000 orfraction thereof, per cent
On the next £1,500 or fractiont hereof, per cent
On all further sums, per cent.
Where a fee has already been taken in respect of a composition or
scheme, only two-fifths of the percentage payable under this item are charged.
On the net assets realized or brought to credit by the official receiver
(whether acting as interim receiver, receiver, or trustee in bankruptcy
or under a composition or scheme), after deducting any sums paid
to secured creditors in respect of their securities and not being assets
realized by a special manager or moneys received and spent in carrying
on the business of the debtor, in addition to the percentage chargeable
under the preceding item—On every £100 or fraction thereof—per cent.
On the amount distributed to creditors by the official receiver whether
in bankruptcy or under a composition or scheme, not being moneys
paid in respect of securities other than securities given pursuant to
a composition or scheme—On every £100 or fraction thereof—per cent.
each week or fraction thereof that the official receiver acts as
interim receiver of a debtor'3 property, in addition to the percentages
chargeable on realizations
For each notice by the official receiver to a creditor
For the official receiver supervising a special manager or the car-rying
on of a debtor's business, where the estimated assets exceed £100,
a fee according to the following scale :—
If the gross assets are estimated by the official receiver not to exceed
£200, per week
If to exceed £200 but not to exceed £1,000, per week
If to exceed £1,000, per week
For a room for meeting of creditors summoned by the official receiver ..
For travelling, keeping possession, and other reasonable expenses of
the official receiver..
On audit of the trustee's account by the court or by the official receiver
when acting as a committee of inspection, a fee to be computed on
the gross amount of the assets realized and brought to credit—On
every £100 or fraction thereof
• Where a fee or fees has or have been taken on a previous audit or audits,
the amount or amounts of such fee or fees are deducted from the fee payable
on audit of the trustee's account.
For appearances of the official receiver in Court or in chambers— ) From
For each day or part of a day .. .. .. .. ..[to
To befixedby the Court before which he appears on each occasion.
For keeping possession under a warrant
£ s. cp.
5 0
1 4*
10 0 0
7 10 0
5 0 0
10 0 0
7 10 0
5 0 0
10 0 0
7 10 0
5 0 0
2 10 0
2 10 0
1 0 0
- 1 4}
1 0 0
2 0 0
4 0 0
Actual cost.
Actual cost.
1 0 0
1 0 0
4 0 0
Actual cost.
The Bankruptcy
Rules (No. 2), 1931.
pub. in Gaz. No. 2182
of 2nd Dec, 1931, aa
)• amended by tbe Bank -
nrotcy Roles. 193*2.
pub. in Gaz. No. 2191
of Sth Jan., 1932.