Goats.—Importation prohibited, save under permit from the Governor. \
The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods, articles and merchandise
is prohibited absolutely:
Law No. 10 of 1888,
sec. 1.
Mirer or coDDer coins.
(2). Beshliks. altiliks or metallique piastres.
[3). All sovereigns and half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her late Most
Gracions Maiestv Oueen Victoria.
(-). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight as
denned in "The Coinage Act, 1870?' or are otherwise not legally current in England.
(5). The substance known as Hashish.
(6). Sal: other than table and rock salt.
Order of High Com-
missioner in Council
in Gazette No.
March. 1901.
/ oublished r
692 of Ht
(7). " Rocket " or " tracer " sporting cartridges.
I Order in Council No.
1414 of the 28th Feb.,
*' 1931, pub. in Gaz. No.
2116 of 6th March,
(8). A n y weapon, of whatever description, designed for the discharge of any noxious \ .F^
N o
liquid, gas, or other thing or any ammunition containing or designed or adapted < J
- ^ ^ J!jy*'
to contain any such noxious thing.
/ 2226of 24th June, 1932.
(9). Rifles. •)
/ Law No. 31 of 1933,
(10). Air-guns, air-rifles or air-pistols of a type declared by the Governor in Council ? sec. 3 (1).
to be dangerous.
The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods, articles and
merchandise is subject to the following restrictions:—-
(1). (i) Revolvers and pistols may be imported under a special permit from the
Governor at the ports of Larnaca. Limassoi and Famagusta.
(ii) Firearms other than those mentioned in (9), (10) and (1) (i) above may be
imported under a special licence from the ComptroUer of Customs at the ports
of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta.
(2). The importation of gunpowder (except for the use of his Majeaty'B Naval and
Military forces) is prohibited except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi (for Famagnsta see (5) (ii) below).
(b.) in kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes or in flasks of 1 lb. or of
$ 73. except where the Governor has by special permission authorized the
imrortation in some other manner.
(3). The importation of shot, percussion caps, and cartridges (other than ball cartridges)
is restricted to the Dorts of Larnaca. Limassoi and Famagusta.
Law No. 31 of 1933-
seen. 3 (2; and 4 (1), and
Order in Council No. 340
pub. in Gaz. No. 692 of
.1st March, 1901, as
'amended by Order in
' Council No. 428 of 22nd
Mav. 1907. pub. in Gas.
No." 901 of 15th Nor.,
J 1907.
Order in Council No.
340 pnb.in Gas. No. 692
of lst March, 1901, ai
amended by Orders in
)> Council No. 359 pub. in
Gat. No. 738 of 29th
Aug., 1902, and No. 518
pub. in Gas. No. 1036 of
15th March, 1912.
Order in Council No.
' 340 pub. in Gas. No. 692
of lst March. 1901. ai
amended by Orders in
J Council No." 407 pub. in
, Gcs. No. 843 of 12th
(4). The importation of ball cartridges or of ball cartridge-cases except for the use of
His Majesty'* Naval and Military forces is prohibited, except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi. and
(3.) wi:h the special permission of the Governor (for Famagusta ate (5) (ii) below."*
(o). fi). The importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-cotton, fulminate of mercurv
or of other metals or of anv kincred substance :s Drohibited—
(.r..) except at the port of Larnaca (for Famagnsta see (ii) below), and
(t.) with the special permission of the Governor, such permission being in
writing under the hand of the Colonial Secretary and subject to such
conditions as the Governor m a y think fit to impose (§).
Jan., 1906. and No. 617
in Gas. No. 1035
Lof 1st March, 1912.
Order in Council No.
*> 340 pub. in Gas. No. 602
of l?t March, 1901.
[li The-_rm_z
-ti-\-T.u.:o Cyprus of bla.*rin^ powder i> prohibited save under licence under the hand of the Comptroller of
if'-n- and I.-.'AT.'J Rr-.f-nue and subject to such term- ard conditions as may be prescribed in such licence (Order in Council
. 1 ••>«: v .. r-m- ... \_-.. in-- _-t to.v. t "t m.vi \
No. 1295, pub. tz.
No. 1 9 " of 12rh April. 1929.)