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P A R C E L POST.—continued.
Parcels not exceeding 11 ft in weight re-directed from one Post Office to another in
Cyprns shall be liable to additional postage at the foil inland rate for each re-direction.
Parcels exceeding 11 ft. but not exceeding 22 ft in weight received from abroad and
re-directed from one address to another in Cyprns. except where the original and the second
address are both within the delivery area of the same Post Office, shall be liable to additional
postage as follows :—
s. cp.
For a parcel over 11ft.bnt not over 14ftin weight
1 3
For a parcel over 14ft.but not over weight
1 5
For a parcel over 18ft.but not over weight
] 7
The Postmaster-General shall not be liable to make good any claim arising out of the
damage or delay of parcels sent by post.
A system of compensation for loss of or damage to uninsured parcels is in force between
Cyprus, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Egypt and France. The maximum amoant of com–
pensation payable is £1.
The sender of each parcel for abroad will be required to fill up a Custom House Declaration
Form. Upon this form must be given an accurate statement of the contents and valne, date
of posting, and the sender's signature and address.
Parceh on arrival in Cyprus will be liable to eramination by an Officer of Customs,
who will assess the amount of Customs dues to be charged thereon. The Customs dues will be
collected at the time of delivery, and no parcel can be delivered until the Cnstoms and all other
charges are paid.
Parcels found to contain forbidden articles and parcels, the contents and value of which
have been falsely declared, may be dealt with according to the laws on the subject. And
generally the senders of parcels, whether in Foreign Countries or Cyprus, will be required to
oonform to the Customs and other laws or regulations from time to time in force in respect of
such parcels.
. Parcels which cannot be delivered, returned to the senders, or re-directed, and which have
thus become undeliverable, will eventually be returned to the country of origin.
Parcels becoming offensive or injurious to any Officer of the Post Office or other person, or
to other parcels will be disposed of as the Postmaster-General may direct.
A fee of 2ejo. is charged by the Post Office in respect of each parcel or any postal packet
delivered in Cyprus upon which Customs duties are collected.
Parcels to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Egypt and the Sudan and those
British Possessions and Foreign Countries which have adopted the arrangement, which
bear one address only, if not claimed by the addressee within a prescribed period which
varies from 15 to 90 days according to the country of destination will be treated as unde–
liverable, and will be either returned to the sender or disposed of in accordance with the
sender's wishes should such be inscribed on the parcels. If the parcels bear two addresses,
they will be held at the disposal of the first addressee for a specified period (usually about
half of the total period of retention) and if not claimed will be held at the disposal of the
second addressee for the remainder of the total period of retention, and if then unclaimed
•will be treated as undeliverable.
Parcels received from those British Possessions and Foreign Countries which have
_adopted the above mentioned arrangement will be retained for 15 days, that is to say,
8 davs at the disposal of thefirstaddressee and 7 days at the disposal of the second
addressee. .*
Parcels to and from countries which have not agreed to apply the simplified arrange–
ment for the treatment of undeliverable parcels will be retained at the Post Office to which
-thev are addressed for a period not exceeding three months ; but if possible the senders
-will be consulted through the office of origin, as to disposal.
A U T H O R I T Y .
Orderof the Governor
in Council No. 1212 of
the 19tb November,
1927, published in Gas.
No. 1886 of the 25tb
November. 1927.
No. 4546
published in G.ttecte
No. 613 of 6th January,
Orderof High Commii-
sioacr iu Council. No.
826 of the lst February,
1921, published in Gat.
No. 1469 of the 4th
February, 1921, and
Order of tbe Acting
Governor in CouncU
No. 1363 of llth June,
iy30. publshed in Gaz.
No. 2066 of 20th June,