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X V H I . O n what conditions are remissions of im–
prisonment granted
Prisoners of good behaviour and industrious in labo
sentenced to not lens than two years are, if males,
three-fourths, or, if females, after two-thirds of th<
term of imprisonment has expired, recommended to tl
Governor for remission of their sentence, with, <
without, Ticket of Leave.
X I X . Have Coroner's Inquests been held on every
occasion of a death in prison during the past year 1
what were the verdicts .
6 prisoners died in prison during the past year t
the result of execution. N o inquest was held, but th
Medical Officer certified in each case that death was du
to dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.
3 prisoners died hi the Prison Hospital. A n inques
was held in each case by the Coroner and the verdic
was " Natural Death."
X X . 1. W h a t was the sanitary
of the prisons
during the year
Central Prison, Nicosia
Very good.
were the prevailing diseases
Rheumatism, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diseases of the
digestive and respiratory system, influenza, dysentery,
dyspepsia, diseases of skin, syphilis, constipation,
hernia, colic, anaemia, bronchial catarrh, debility.
X X I . W h a t are, shortly, the rules as to Diet .
Extra Diet allowed to prisoners earning and
keeping 1 or 2 Badges.
Fridav ...
25 drams Olives.
| 30 drams Bulsrur.
( 10 drams Olive-oil.
I 1 cup Turkish Coffee.
1 mug of Tea.
3 days
1 day
1 dav
DlETArtiT No. 1.
250 drama Bread
25 „ Cheese
250 „ Bread
60 „ Fresh Vegetables
10 „ Oil
250 „ Bread
75 „ Cooked meat free of bone
50 „ Bice before being cooked
250 „ Bread
50 , Bulgur or Bakla
10 „ Oil
D I E T A S T No. 2.
The same as Dietary No. 1 with the addition of 50 drams of
Bread for each convict.
D I E TA R T No. 8.
Daily 250 drams of Bread,
One &2.J 40 drams olives.
next day 60 drams fresh Vegetables as directed in Dietary No. 1,
DiET___ir No. 4.
Punishment diet for all prisoners.
- .. j 200 drams Bread
- 1 Water, Unlimited
In addition to above, fresh fruit in limited quantities may be
supplied when so ordered by the Medical Officer of the Prison ;
alio extra diet of 40 drams olives and 4p_drams raisins are
supplied once a week, i.e., raisins on Tuesdays and olives on
Saturdays to all long sentence male and female prisoners during
the months vfhen no fruit is given.